Chapter 37 - The Twins

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Deep inside the clock of Clock Town, part of the ceiling rose up into a black infinity that lead to the parrellel dimension of Hyrule. Most of the time, it was left undisturbed by both the inhabitance of Hyrule and Termina. You could stare up at the inky blackness and see nothing but strange swirls of colors that were just barely there. But besides that, there would be nothing. 

Today, however, two figures were falling through the portal at top speed. One of these figures was a Gerudo with fiery red hair, and the other was a Hylian soldier with brown hair. They were the same age, but the Gerudo was obviously taller than the Hylian. 

There was a flash of light that came from the portal as their decent quickened and they landed on the hard wooden ground of the Clock Tower. The Hylian turned over onto his back groaned. "I'll never get used to that fall" he complained, allowing the Gerudo to help him to his feet. "Oh, don't be a baby. You'll live" when he was on his feet, she let go of his hand and looked around. "Well, it's good to be back" she said, waiting for the Hylian to catch up when she reached the exit. 

"You were literally here what, a few months ago?" asked the Hylian. The Gerudo rolled her eyes and through open the door to the Clock Tower. Outside, people were preparing for the festival. There were banners and streamer and tables full of food. Not to mention that they were working to make the Clock Tower bigger than ever. The Gerudo and the Hylian stepped down the steps of the Clock Tower and began making their way through the streets. 

Of course, they didn't get far before they ran into three kids playing around. The first looked a little like Kafei, with red hair, but he had violet eyes instead of brown. The second had brown hair and odd markings on her forehead. And the third had bright blonde hair, an odd hat on his head, and bluish eyes. The red haired kid looked up at the two with widened eyes. "Mom?" he asked, looking straight at the Gerudo, his eyes filling up with tears. She raised an eyebrow. "Sorry kid, I'm not your mom. We're looking for someone named Kokiri, have you seen her around"

The second kid, the girl, looked up at them, a little surprised. "How do you know Kokiri?" asked the third one, crossing his arms. "Oh, so you do know her. Where is she?" asked the Hylian. "Why are you looking for her?" asked a voice from behind them. The two whipped around and faced a blonde haired man, about their age. "And who would you be?" she asked, crossing her arms. "A friend of hers" he answered, shooting the three kids a look. The Hylian let out a short laugh. "And who would you be?" he asked them. 

"That doesn't matter. Is she at the mayor's house?" asked the Gerudo woman. "I think it does matter" said the man, blocking their path. "Well, I don't. So please move" The man did not move, so the Gerudo woman pushed him aside and they continued towards the mayor's house. The man followed them, one hand on an odd metal weapon on his belt. He followed them all the way to the house/office. 

The two headed up the stairs and into the house part of the building. In the living room, Kokiri was sharpening one of her daggers when she saw the two coming through the door, Marco hot on their trail. Slowly, she set the dagger back in its sheath, and stood up. "Well, you've grown" said the Hylian, being cut off by a hug. "Heh heh. Miss us?" asked the Gerudo, hugging her as well. "Of course not!" she pushed away from them. "I was just... worried! That's all! Kafei would be crushed if anything happened to you guys!"

"Am I missing something?" asked Marco, as she tried to glare up at the two. "Who's this guy?" the Gerudo woman asked, looking him up and down. "Oh... uh... This is Marco. He's the Son of the Hero of the Wind. And Marco these are my siblings, Nabooru and Uther" Uther and Nabooru stared at Marco in shock for a moment, and then turned back to Kokiri. "Alright, I'd say that it's confusing. But at this point, nothing would surprise me" Uther shook Marco's hand, but Nabooru turned away from him before he could greet her.

"NABOORU! UTHER!" yelled Kafei almost tripping down the stairs, Arojam and Skull Kid right behind him. "Arojam! Skull Kid! Nice to see you again" Uther embraced her as Nabooru turned to Kafei and picked him up with little effort. "Hey, how you doing?" she asked, as he squirmed out of her grip and dropped to the floor. "Fine! How are you guys? Did you remember my birthday?" he asked, looking between the two. They exchanged a glance, and then motioned for Kafei to sit down on the couch with them.

"Alright. I got you a something I thought you'd like..." said Uther. He brought out a sheathed sword and placed it in his brother's lap. Kafei unsheathed the sword, and his jaw dropped. "This is... was... the Gilded Sword, right? It was dads! But you love this sword!" he looked up at his older brother, face falling. "Yeah, well, it's in good hands. Plus, I'm sure dad would want you to have it" Kafei looked up at Kokiri, expecting her to say something or have a dirty look on her face, but she smiled and nodded at him, making him beam back in pride. "Thank you Uther!" he hugged Uther, who hugged him back tightly before Nabooru cleared her throat. 

"Sorry, our sister thinks she has a better gift than I do" Uther said, sending Nabooru a dirty look. Nabooru brought out a small drum that Kafei could hold in his lap. The younger brother's jaw dropped. "A drum! I've wanted these forever! Thank you so much Nabooru!" He through his arms around her. "I've always wanted one. Look Kokiri, now I have an instrument too!" he announced. Kokiri chuckled and sat down on the arm of the couch. "What did Kokiri get you for your birthday?" asked Uther, looking up at his younger sister. "I got him over three hundred rupees worth of stuff" she answered. Kafei grinned, nodding. "And then let me get an extra big ice-cream Sundae!" 

Nabooru raised a disapproving eyebrow. "Hey, that was Arojam's idea, not mine" Arojam backed away from the couch slowly. But Uther just shook his head and laughed. "It's his birthday. Can't blame the kid, can you?" he asked, ruffling Kafei's hair. 

Just then, a knock came at the door. Marco opened it for the three kids who were playing outside before. "Are you Kokiri's friends?" asked the red haired one, stopping dead as he looked at them. "I don't think she has friends" said a voice from behind them. Two identical boys came into the room. "We're her siblings" Nabooru growled. The little brown haired girl's eyes lit up. "Is there something wrong?" 

"Wha... No! Nothing at all" said Luna, looking around at the others in the room. "Oh, is it your birthday?" Kafei nodded, holding up the drum and the sword. "Congratulations! My birthday was a few weeks ago. How old are you?" asked Leo, grinning back at him. "My birthday was a few weeks ago too! And I'm eleven. How old are you?" Carlos, Leo, and Luna grinned. "We're all eleven as well" answered Carlos. Kafei's smile grew. "Cool! Do you guys wanna..."

At that moment, someone burst into the room. 

"Celeste? Is there a reasoning for your interruption?" asked Kokiri calmly, as if she were expecting the queen to come bursting in. "Yes, there is" said Zelda, coming in behind her. "We have a slight problem..." 

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