Chapter 33 - The Portal

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They spent two weeks in Castle Town, and at the Hero of Legend's house. They had planned on staying for about a month before heading out, just to make sure that they weren't missing a portal or anything. And, to be honest, most of them were enjoying it there. Even Kokiri seemed to calm down a little bit and at least eat meals with them. Though she never talked. 

So when the portal opened, it surprised every single one of them. 

It was so random, they had all just finished dinner, when Leo had let out a surprised yell. Luna turned to where he was facing, following his gaze to a giant, glowing vortex that was about seven feet tall. "Uncle Legend..." she pointed to the portal, and Link's eyes widened as he stood up, stepping away from it. "Alright then, kids, get your stuff together... I guess..." He looked at the group of ten. All of them, even Kokiri, seemed surprised, but one by one, they stood up and made their way to where their stuff was. A good chunk of them went outside, but Luna, Leo, and Kokiri went upstairs. 

Kokiri was the first to come down. She had a large blue sword slung over her back, and the Fierce Deity Mask at her side. The portal was still there, but Link didn't move towards it as he stared. Who knew what would be on the other side? It could be any Hyrule that they had visited before.... or it could be somewhere completely different. Maybe it wasn't Hyrule at all. He remembered ending up in Termina, Holodrum, Labrynna... even the Twilight Realm, after Twilight had.... He shook his head and turned towards the girl, who was checking her bag one last time. 

"You should try to open up to them... if they're anything like their fathers...." Kokiri looked up at him in surprise, and then shook her head. "I don't understand how you can open up to people after all this time Hero of Legend..." she said, after a quick moment of silence. "You get used to it... The adventuring... the losing people..." he shook his head. "Nah, that's not true. That part only gets harder. But trust me, kid, having a group of friends... a family like that. There's nothing in the world quite like it..." Kokiri chuckled, turning towards the portal. "Yeah, that's what Mr. Lonlon... er... That's what my father always said" father seemed to be forced, but he decided to ignore this. Let the girl keep her secrets. He had his anyway. 

"You remind me of him" he finally said, as they waited for the others to return. Kokiri raised an eyebrow. "How so?" she asked, leaning against the counter. "Don't give me that look... the mask, the sword... hell, the way you act around the others. Do you know how long it took him... it took all of us, to open up about anything? We once had complete silence for a week. There was nothing to really talk about, at least, that's what we thought... I bet you have someone back home. Like he did... he really loved your mother..." Link tilted his head back, looking at the ceiling and smiling at fond memories. "I never doubted that he loved her" she snapped, sweet moment over. "What I doubt is that he loved me... Oh, Luna, Leo, you're ready..."

The two younger kids came rushing down the stairs. "Hey dad! Look! I found an old outfit of yours!" he was wearing a red tunic and a blue hat. Link laughed. "How fitting, that's the same one I wore when I was traveling with the heroes" he kissed Leo on the head and looked back at Kokiri, concern on his face. The girl was as stone faced as ever. "Alright then..." said Celeste, as the rest of them rushed back into the room. She was wearing a military style dress that made her look like her mother, and Zelda had taken one of his green tunics and hates, which were a bit big on her; but made her look almost like Hyrule.

"Alright..." he looked between them all, and couldn't help but smile. "Your fathers would be proud" he said finally, face falling as he looked at Kokiri, who had already turned towards the portal. "Alright then, get going. Something tells me that I won't be able to go through that portal..." he motioned to the vortex, hugging Leo and Luna one last time. "Stay safe, all of you. Don't go dying on me" 

One by one, they all disappeared into the portal, until only Leo was left. "Leo..." he whispered, taking a letter out of his pocket, and putting it in his son's hands. Tears fell down his face, though he wasn't sure if they were happy or sad tears. "Leo... Open this if you ever end up on a place called Koholint.... can you promise me that?" Link asked, hugging his son one final time. Leo nodded. "O - Okay dad.... I love you... I'll be back, I promise" Link smiled again, stepped away, and watched his son disappear into the portal. 

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