Chapter 28 - Stay Away

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"So it is you, I should have expected that. You destroyed my friend and now you want to destroy his daughter" the Hero of Legend took the short sword that was sitting beside the bed and spun around. The Deity raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "What's your deal anyways? She's probably still a child. Do you even see what you did to her?" he asked angrily. Kokiri didn't look up at either of them. The Deity stepped forward despite the hero's protests, and knelt down beside the bed, looking down at her. 

"Look up at me mortal. You know that I don't take well to being disrespected"

"Oh, disrespected my ass. You have no right to be doing this to a teenage girl you sick demon of a God" Link swore at him, and the Deity chuckled. Kokiri, on the other hand, forced herself to look at him. "Please... I'm sorry..." she pleaded with him. Link brought his sword around, and before the deity could react, cut his face slightly. "Prince.... Link.... please stop. You'll only make him angry"  she insisted. "I don't care if I make this son of a bitch angry. I bet you're the one who killed Time and Malon. I bet you're the one who..."

"Enough, Hero of Legend. I had nothing to do with the Hero of Time's death, and I wouldn't have killed Malon. See, the girl knows that you shouldn't anger me. She knows from experience, just like her father did... just like you should. That making me angry is a death wish" 

With one thumb, he wiped a tear off her face, as if he actually cared. It almost made Link sick as he swung the sword around again. This time, the Deity grabbed it with one hand and tore it from Link's grasp, setting it down beside Kokiri. 

"I was intrigued when I saw that they had met you Hero of Legend. You've grown quite a bit. I'd hate to kill you, or her. But if you try to help her again, I'll break every bone in her body, and then go for your son and the Daughter of Twilight. Do I make myself clear?"

Link was stunned for a moment, but finally found his voice. "If you kill her... if you kill my son... hell, if you so much as touch a hair on Luna or Leo's head, I will tear you limb from limb. The Hero of the Skies isn't the only God killer in our group. I swear that if you hurt anyone that I love. Or anyone that any of the other heroes love, I will make you regret the day you were created Fierce Deity. I will make you regret ever torturing this poor girl. Mortals shouldn't be forced to 'work' for you. I don't know what type of deal you have with her, but enough is enough. Leave those children alone, leave the people I love alone, or I'll kill you"

The Deity raised an eyebrow, almost seeming impressed with the hero. But then shrugged it off and looked down at Kokiri. 

"I have no deal with her. Her fate was sealed by her own father. Yes, the same one who helped you fight Dark Link. The same one who loved you like his own son. The same one who you considered your brother in arms. He allowed her to be taken by me, as a pay back for taking my power and using it for his own. So try that again Hero of Legend. Because I'm not the monster here" 

There was a flash of blinding light, and then the Deity was gone. 

"Is that true?" he asked finally, giving her another potion before sitting at the foot of the bed. Kokiri didn't answer. "I said, is that true?" he asked again, face in his hands. His mind was racing a mile a minute, but she sat up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I don't want to talk about it" she said finally, breaking her arm back into place. "Fine, keep your secrets. Here, let me see that wound there... I think I can help heal it... Hear, eat this. The apples here have healing properties" he handed her the apple, which she ate greedily before lying back down. "Don't tell anyone about this" she once again warned. "Who would I tell?" he asked. "Who would believe me?"

Then, he was gone. 


The next morning, Leo woke to the sound of birds chirping and Luna tripping over her own two feet. The girl was now sprawled across the floor, yelping in pain as she landed. "Could you quiet down?" he asked, looking up at her. Luna scowled, but stood up. "Can you keep it down? You snore louder than my Uncle Shad does" He wasn't sure who Uncle Shad was, but took this as an insult, and scowled. "You're not much better. You take up most of the bed.... I'm never getting a dog" Luna laughed. "I'm not a dog silly... I'm a wolf... Let's just get down stairs and have some breakfast. Maybe there's something in your dad's house that could be useful. My dad once said he was a hoarder..."

"I don't doubt it" said Leo, looking around as they stepped out into the hall. "I'm gonna wake Saria... Kokiri up. What time is it?" Luna shrugged, biting on her nails as they looked at Kokiri's door. "She's still sleeping" she finally said, stopping him from knocking. "How do you know?" he asked. "I'm a wolf, I have pretty good hearing" she tapped her ear, and turned to walk down stairs. "Come on, I can smell breakfast from here" Leo grinned and chased her down the hall. "Mr. Hero we're..." both children stopped dead. There was a woman with blue hair and small tattoos on her face standing in the kitchen. She turned to face them, and cocked an eyebrow. "Who are you?" Leo clenched his hands into fists, and Luna growled at the woman. 

"Oh, you must be Leo" she said finally, sitting up on the counter and eating an apple. "DAD!" yelled Leo, backing away from the woman. The Hero of Legend walked into the kitchen. "What's wrong?" he looked around, and then calmed down. "Ah, I see you've met Ghanti. She helped me out on my first adventure..." the woman let out a loud laugh. "Helped you? Actually kid, I did most of the work. He was more of a side kick" Link's jaw dropped. "Excuse you? You tried to kill me multiple times... only to jump in at the last moment and help me defeat Ganon. Then I didn't see you for years afterwards!" She was still laughing. "Sure Link, whatever you wanna think... Anyways, nice to meet you kid. Last time I saw you... you were this big" she picked up a loaf of bread and threw it at him.

Link rolled his eyes. "Alright Ghanti, off the counter. You don't just come into my house unannounced and start eatting my food" Ghanti jumped down off the counter and sat down at the table. "So, Din's kid, huh? It's a wonder you ever got someone like her Link. Much less married her. And here I would have thought you'd spend the rest of your life simping over that Marin girl..." an apple went flying past her head. "Enough" Link growled. Ghanti laughed again. "Alright then... Who's this? Your little girlfriend?" she looked at Luna. "Wha... No! Luna's my friend. She's the daughter of the Hero of Twilight... one of dad's friends" Ghanti nodded. "Yeah, I heard about him... sorry for your loss kid. I know what it's like to lose a parent"

Luna went rigid, and so did Link. "The Hero of the Twilight died?" asked Leo, confused. Ghanti turned to Link. "You really didn't tell him? Your own son..." this time the apple almost met its mark. "I'd rather not talk about it..." he growled out, starting to make breakfast. "What happened?" Leo asked, looking around. Link turned around, bringing breakfast to the table, and sitting down. "I'm not the one that you should be asking kid.... The Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Time were there when it happened... and maybe Wild... But I certainly wasn't... I was out fighting those stupid monsters because champion couldn't follow the..." he seemed to realize he was still talking, and shook his head. "Anyways... what are you two planning on doing today?"

Neither of them answered, and Link didn't push the questions. 

It was a very awkward breakfast to say the least. 

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