Chapter 12 - Daughters of the Hero

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When Linkle opened her eyes, the first thing she was aware of was the smell of smoke. 

All around her, stinging her nose and eyes.

Where was it coming from?

Where were they?

When were they?

"Linkle" said a voice. She felt someone shake her. "Linkle, wake up" it was Carlos. He had a worried look on his face, though his eyes still had the same blank look as before. "Tiny says that something is on fire... Linkle, please get up" For a moment, she wondered who Tiny was, but the thought quickly disappeared as she sat up, head pounding with a killer headache, and looked around. The twins were just getting up, helping each other to their feet, and sure enough, the entire town around them was covered in smoke. There were plenty of standing buildings, and the fire wasn't as dire as some that she'd seen before. But it was still pretty bad. 

"HEY!" yelled a voice, and she found herself face to face with the tongs of a pitchfork. "Who are you?" demanded another voice. She looked up to find that she was in front of a few people, all holding shovels and pitchforks. If they had been from her Hyrule, they would have known who she was, and treated their princess with a bit more respect. But she would let it go. This probably wasn't her Hyrule anyways. "My name is Linkle Wilde. And these are my siblings, Arthur, Wilbur, and Carlos. Now, can you tell me what happened here" The towns people lowered their guard. "There was an attack. Monsters that looked like they were from the books we read as children. And a creature with red eyes. There was this girl... she put some sort of mask over her face... and... oh forget about it. If you didn't see it then your blind"

"Yes actually" said Carlos, turning to them, and smirking. Linkle sighed and looked around again. "Where is this girl now?" she didn't know for sure, but she had a guess as to who this girl was and why she was fighting a demon. "She's in the inn" said another, pointing towards a large building. "Very well, lead me there" she selected a boy from the crowd, who was a bit younger than she was. He nodded, seeming to be a bit scared, and started towards the inn. Wilbur took Carlos's hand, and he reluctantly took it, being led around bits of burning coals and sharp splinters of wood. 

The boy lead them up the stairs to the inn, and then stopped at a door halfway down the hall. "Thank you" said Linkle, pulling a few rupees from her pocket and handing it to him. The kid looked down at them, and then back at her. Before any of them knew what was happening, he was running down the hall again. Linkle knocked on the door, which didn't budge for a moment. Then, slowly, it slid open. The girl inside was maybe her age, with short blonde hair and hazel eyes that seemed to glow in the candle light. 

"Who are they?" asked a voice from behind her. A little boy peaked out from where she was standing. She pushed him back inside and glared at the four of them. "I'm Linkle Wilde... the Daughter of the Hero of the Wild" she explained, hoping that her assumptions were correct. The girl's eyes widened, and she stepped aside. "Come inside.... don't want people hearing" They all nodded and packed inside the large inn room. "I assumed... since.... you used one of those masks, that you're the Daughter of the Hero of Time?" The girl's face fell, but she nodded, gritting her teeth. "And this is Leo, the Son of the Hero of Legends... and Luna..." she motioned to a girl who was unconscious on the bed. "The Daughter of the Hero of Twilight" 

"Interesting.... Well, this is Carlos, the Son of the Hero of the Four Sword. And these are the twins, Wilbur and Orville, the Sons of the Hero of the Sky.... May I ask your name?" Linkle asked, leaning against the wall. "People call me Kokiri" she answered, crossing her arms. Linkle had to force herself to not run out of the room. There was something about this girl's aura that scared her. She wasn't particularly threatening. At least, no more so than the knights that Linkle saw everyday around the castle. She was relatively tall, but less than 5'9. Her hair was short and pulled back so that it wouldn't get in the way during battle, and her clothes were that of a traveling bard. 

But something about her made all of them shrink back as her gaze found them. 

"Very well.... I assume then, you know that our fathers knew each other?" said Linkle, trying to meet the girl's gaze, and failing. "Yes, I do in fact know that. Speaking of which... We're headed to find his father, the Hero of Legends. Seeing as you are as unfamiliar with this place as we are.... would you like to join us?" She couldn't say she wasn't surprised by the proposal, but the girl.... Kokiri, didn't seem to be joking. Linkle looked at the others, and surprisingly, Carlos was the first to speak. "We would like that Ms. Kokiri. But I wish to ask... How do you know that the Hero of Legends will help us? He wasn't exactly known for his generosity" 

Leo turned to the older boy, anger sparking in his eyes. "And just what is that supposed to mean" Kokiri raised an eyebrow, looking between the two. "I only mean that whenever my father would talk about him, he said that the Hero of Legend wasn't always keen on being part of a group" he explained, keeping his cool. "Yeah well... How can you trust anything your father says anyways? Who are these people? The Hero of the Four Sword? The Hero of the Wild? Sounds stupid to me" Kokiri looked sharply at Linkle as she stepped forward, fists clenched. "I thought for sure that your father would at least.... ah... nevermind" the older girl shook her head. "Miss Wilde, please allow me to explain this all to him... he's a bit... new...." she said, glaring down at Leo, who didn't look at her. 

"Very well, Wilbur, Orville, Carlos, come with me. We'll get an inn room to sleep in" They all grumbled an agreement, and one of the twins yawned loudly. "I will see you again tomorrow" Kokiri nodded in agreement, turning to Leo as they left. 

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