Chapter 15: A Predator And Its Prey

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It was pitch black outside, the only light came from the moon. As the wind blew by we could hear the slight crunch from the leaves. Every sound made us more on edge. Our bodies have become stiff and we became aware of our surroundings more.

It felt like we were being watched constantly. A pair of eyes bore into our skin. Yet we couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. Yet we had a feeling that we knew who they belonged to. This maze seemed to never have an end. We walked around for hours and all we found was the center.

Every turn we took always lead us to a dead end. Or we came straight back to the middle. We couldn't go back to the entrance or the exit. We were trapped.

The wind howled as it seemed like it screamed in fear. As we walked through once again we could hear a growling. It was low and deep. It made us all stop in our tracks. As we heard leaves crunch under the weight of this predator. We heard the noise that came only from our nightmares.

*crunch* *crack pop crack*

'No. It can't be.'

The wind howled a somewhat depressing tune. As it started to rain the sky seemed to weep. It felt like the world already decided our fates. Yet I don't believe in the plans they have set for me.

'I'm not going to die here. Not like this! I have to find my dad!'

I refused to let this be my end. So I got up and ran into the maze out of the center. I could hear the sound of footsteps behind me, along with the growl of an animalistic being. As I ran it sound like the world around me screamed. The loud howling of the wind as the rain hit me in the face.

As I kept running I felt a harsh push on my back. Making me fall forward and onto the floor. Feeling something warm on my face I looked up. Seeing the pail white man on top of me. Snarling in my face as it opened its mouth. As it lunged to take a bite I lifted my leg and kicked it in the stomach as hard as I could.

It was pushed back for only a moment before it lunged once more. Quickly I got up and armed myself. I was holding a bat in front of me as its dead eyes seemed to stare into my soul. A huge smile came onto its face grinning from ear to ear. As it charged my way with its mouth wide open. Sharp teeth layering its mouth as it went to grab my arm.

'This is the end, isn't it?'


"You know Haru. Your whole life can change in a matter of seconds. It's what you do with that change that matters. Are you gonna turn it into the better or the worse?" Someone speaks to her.

"But what if I don't want that change?" She asks.

"Sometimes we don't get the option to choose."


"I won't die here to you!!" I screamed holding my bat even tighter. Aiming straight for its head.



'The world change in a matter of moments. Changing a person's life in a blink of an eye. It's what you do with that change that matters. Are you going to face the change head-on? Or are you going to lay down and let yourself die?'

"Haruhi! Haruhi!" Someone screams.

"Dammit! Where is she!?"

"Calm down Ritsu! She wouldn't die so easily!"


"I'm here!" I yelled towards them. Shivering a bit as I stepped away from the creature.

"Haruhi!" Ritsu yells running towards me. Hugging and spinning me around before setting me back down.

"Your okay?" He says as he looks me in the eyes.

"Yes. Although that thing isn't. We should do something." I say looking through one of our bags.

"What are you going to do?" Kyoya asks me as I grabbed something out of the bag.

"I'm going to burn it," I say to them as I lit one of the matches we had.

Throwing the match at the creature it lit up in flames. A loud screech comes out of the creature. It standing up and running around the area. Trying to get the flames off. Causing everyone to panic as it charged forward. I raised my bat once more as it charged, Only for it to get hit.




"I am sick of this shit!" Tamaki yells as he kept hitting the creature.

"Just fucking die already!" He says hitting it again.

"Wait hit it again. I think it just twitched." Hikaru says pointing at it and laughing.

"Oh shut up," I said pushing Hikaru while laughing a bit.

"Whatever. I don't want it chasing after us like that dog. We have enough problems going on. We don't need anymore." Tamaki said as he looked at the creature's smashed head.

"Well, whatever it is. We need to start moving. It seems after we killed this thing. The exit decided to show itself. So let's just get out of here." Kaoru said as he points at the exit.

"Things are starting to look up for us," Renge says as she starts towards the exit.

"What the hell Renge!?" Kaoru yells at her.

" Are you trying to get us killed!?" Hikaru finishes.

"What?" She says looking at them.

"You are jinxing us!" They both yell at her.

"I am not!" She yells.

"You are doing it again!" They scream running around in a panic.

"Will you two stop screaming!" I yell smacking them both on the head.

"Ow," They say as they fall to the ground.

"Let's just get out of here okay," I tell them as I walked out of the maze.

On the other side of the maze, we had a parking lot. Each car being locked was our issue. Yet also finding a car that would fit all of us. Yet being in the school. Nothing could stop us now.

"Let's find a car that could fit us all first. Then we will figure out how to start and get in after." I tell them as I started to look around.

"What are we going to do after that?" Honey senpai asks me.

"We survive." I tell him.

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