Chapter 10: Rude Awakening

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The restlessness. The constant chaos surrounded everyone. Everywhere you turned, "the undead" were there. There was no light in this new world.

Only darkness.

Haruhi had seemed to realize this in the beginning. Yet those hosts have seemed to realize their situation. Ritsu, Tetsuya and even Renge. The girl that once was caught up; in some fantasy world. They all knew this new reality. They all knew from the experiences they had up close. It was all ghastly.

Yet it seemed only now has the hosts realized, As Haruhi's shoulder played in a disturbed and unnatural way. It seemed to have replaced itself to be baggage instead. The way it was and how she reacted to the situation. It made all the hosts all the wearier, As she seemed to act like a soldier who had just come home from war.

'She's changed, Changed to an excessive degree. That wasn't the girl we once knew. That was more than what one person could stomach, Just in a matter of minutes, seconds. Our lives have changed. It wasn't even for the better.'

What were you supposed to do? Those diabolic creatures have plagued society. They all seemed to be knocking at our doors, Taunting us as they did so. People. Many people were losing to this one-sided war. It seemed like a game they all were amusing themselves, Toying with us as though they have already won.

Yet were they ever wrong?


You have only ever heard of them in scary stories people told. Playing them in movies and even TV shows from time to time. It was just fantasy, fiction. Yet there you are, Standing in the middle of it.

Staring death right in the face, Their haunting, lifeless faces, staring right into your soul. A putrid smell, coming off of their rotting bodies.

That was no horror movie or TV show. That was now a reality.

'You know if I could go back in time, Just for a second. I don't even know what I would do. I have drawn to a blank. Yet who could blame me? My grandmother hated me. She made it her life's goal to make my life a living hell. My father, Kindness, and love for someone can only go so far. He only tolerated my very existence. I was his only child, and I reminded him of her, My mother. If only, If only I were with her. Her smile is always shined so bright. Her life for me was true. No ill intent was behind her actions or words. I wish I could've seen my mom. Just for one last time.'

We have all looked upon the world appalled by the way it stood before. Yet, how are we supposed to look at it now?

When the living are dead, yet the dead are living? Is this appalling, or is it vile? Repulsive maybe?

This new world was beyond the words we could speak. We cannot describe what has happened to this world. As the world is now beyond the words; we have written in the books.

The sickened was now plaguing the streets of Japan.

Yet what about in other countries? What happened to them? Everyone was officially off the gird; No one could get in contact with anyone. Everyone was officially in the dead zone.

Electricity and water have shut down. It being only fours in the apocalypse. Yet, no one could have determined the exact time things would shut down. Movies and TV shows only specialize in making things imaginable.

It seems in this reality, things moved fast, As the Army was euthanized. There were no laws, no police, no government. There were no rules to this new world.

The horrifying new truth. You were alone. You had no protection. No one could or would save you.

What were you going to do now?

The groups have already formed.

Lots of people have gone rabid. These are the Cannibals. They weren't zombies, but you couldn't exactly call them human either. They loved to prey on the weak. If they could take it, They took it.

Then there were all the other groups.

The soldiers. These are the people from the military that somehow survived. They aren't following army rules or anything anymore. So they aren't going to save or help you. They will shoot on sight.

The Scavengers. The ones; that used to be farmers, hunters, or something along those lines. They didn't take kindly to people. They would kill you if you got too close.

The Hunters. Don't be fooled by the name. They weren't real hunters. It was all just a game to them. They will kidnap or even kill you; Scratch that. Consider yourself already dead if caught. They set up games for you to play with others. Win or don't win doesn't matter your dead either way. These "hunters " used to be the rich among us. They somehow manage to get out and survive this.

Then there's the Ninjas. These people hid among us. They hide amongst the dead, in places you can or cannot see. They are there; you don't know it yet. They aren't dangerous unless you make them.

There's plenty of other groups out there, Yet these were the main groups of this new world. They were the most feared or most recognized.

Then there was them.

The Intelligence. Their group. Haruhi, Kyoya, Ritsu, and the Cousins. All of their talents have made them the best.

Yet the world hasn't known it yet. Neither did anyone else notice it at the time.

They don't have to worry for a while. The groups haven't formed themselves yet. I will give them a couple of days, Or maybe it was a couple of hours.

You can never tell in the new profound world of theirs.

I wonder. Will, they even make it out of this world alive? Or will they all die like the rest of the world has?

Only time could tell us.

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