Chapter 11: The Horde

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'The world has gone dark outside. We were all in the dead zone. I wasn't having; it with this new fact one bit. There was also the fact that my shoulder; was dislocated. It looked like something taken out of a horror movie. Everyone looked weary, yet who could blame everyone. To be truthful, they would've been the definition of looking undead. If not for the fact that everyone has officially seen the real thing. That was the last thing some people saw. It was quite sad, yet I can't cry about it. Not because of everyone else, no it's because I physically can't do it anymore.'

"Guys? We should keep moving forward. Also, Honey-Senpai? Can you-" Haruhi grimaced against what she tried to say. Yet Honey-senpai caught onto what she meant.

"Come over here, Haru-chan. I'll fix your shoulder for you," Honey says, immediately as he got up.

He walked over to her with a cloth and Usa-chan. Handing over both the items to her. Putting the clothing inside her mouth, she held onto the pink rabbit, Honey grabbing onto; her shoulder and arm. Mori held the other side of her body as Tamaki held onto her hand. That's when Honey made his move. Putting the girl's shoulder back into place. As she screamed bloody murder into the cloth,

Tamaki looked at her in shock, As everyone was also surprised that she went through with it. None of them knew this new girl in front of them. She was a lot different than what she was before. This girl was a total badass.

"Don't get caught up in the moment, everyone. You all heard what Renge said. Whatever caused this incident. It's still here in the building. We need to stay aware of our surroundings." Haruhi said as she gets up. Everyone else nodded their heads and kept their guard up.

"Haruhi is right, everyone. Now Renge. What exactly did attack you guys by any chance?" Tamaki asks her cautiously. Renge looks up and cringes as memories came flooding back to her.

"It was this dog. The people I could hear screaming from down the hallway for this room. Then there was this; big crash before three boys came in the room, one carrying the two. While the nurse came and checked on them, I gathered the courage to look outside the room. I saw this dog; it was all bloody and carried a girl's arm in its mouth." Renge pauses as she looked towards the floor. Everyone waited patiently for her.

"It let out this horrid noise. Then a bunch of the undead came out and ran with it. Those things tried breaking down the door. Yet, they gave up and left me here. They might have gone to find new prey. Although I know for sure, it didn't leave this building. It comes by every once in a while. Torturing me, I could still hear the scratching of its nails against the floor. The growl followed by a scream. The sound of the undead footsteps as they run down the hall." Renge states before a shiver went down her spine. A loud screech echoes down the hallway making everyone freeze.

"What the hell is that?" Honey asks as he grabs onto Mori. Everyone looks to Renge, who curled up into a ball, holding her ears to block out the noise. Haruhi quickly runs over to her, holding her in her arms in an attempt to comfort her.

"I-it's the d-dog. I-it's coming t-this w-way." Renge stutters out as everyone quickly shuts the door and hides, Trying their best to stay silent.



*Bang Bang*

We all could hear the horde. Those things kept rattling and banging on the door, Even though they could get inside like it was nothing. They kept torturing and mocking us, Setting fear into our hearts. What exactly was their plan? You honestly couldn't tell. Although that dog; had a mind of its own. It could think, and it had one hell of a plan.

'How are we going to get out of this? Is there even a way to get out of this? Am I ever going to see my dad again? Or is this it? Renge is shivering and looks like her soul left her body. The others look just as bad, and I am probably not that far off.'

*Scratch Scratch*

"Bark Bark Bark!"

It felt like it would go on forever. Yet, before we knew it, those things left, Left us sitting there still sitting in fear, Pondering what happened and why they exactly did what they did. Yet, I couldn't allow us to sit there and do absolutely nothing.

"We go to find a way out. We can't just sit here and wait." I told them as I got off the floor. Looking towards the door, I noticed something.

"Wait, The door. Everyone, look at the door. That's what the dog's plan is. We are so distracted by the fear. It has been slowly tearing the door apart." I say quickly. Everyone, looking over there quickly, jumping up in fear ads they finally noticed.

"Holy Shit," Hikaru says as he grabbed Karou's hand. The other boy was petrified as he shook uncontrollably.

"What are we going to do, Haru-chan?" Honey asks while holding Mori's arm. There were tears evident in his eyes. Haruhi continued to hold Renge close to her as she tried thinking of a plan. Yet every scenario playing in her head seemed to lead them all to death.


" I have no idea what to do. Everything I think of leads to our demise. Kyoya? Do you have anything you can think of doing? We all should brainstorm. Work together on this." I tell them as they all thought about it. We sat there for a few moments, thinking.

"What if we gather the sheets and make a rope? We can climb down the building and get outside?" Kaoru says as Hikaru looked at him in surprise. I looked at him in thought.

"We could try that," I told them. Everyone looks at me in surprise.

"Let me explain. We can't get out of this room using the door. Those things are waiting and watching us, Yet we can go down a floor using the window. We won't make it to the ground. Yet will be able to go the next floor down at least." I told them, and they looked scared. I sighed, knowing that I was also terrified. This idea was too frightening and dangerous.

"Let's do it," Tamaki says to everyone. I looked up at him in surprise.

"Yeah, let's do this," Hikaru says as he and Kaoru gather sheets. Everyone starts to follow their lead, Tying and collecting as many sheets as they can, Twisting and making sure that it could hold their weight.

The next thing they knew. Everyone was ready to put this mission in effect. Hesitant yet confident in everyone's abilities. So Haruhi made the first move in their mission. Throwing the rope out of the window and slowly lowering it down. Before it finally hit the spot, they were going for which was the second floor. Quickly they tie the end to a stable place.

"Okay. We are ready to go." I told everyone as they looked towards the window. Ritsu, stepped forward as I explained it to everyone.

"I'll go first. I'll be the test subject." He says, and we all gasped. I quickly ran up in surprise.

"What!? No! I will do it!" I yelled at him, and he shook his head and took action. Quickly go to the rope of sheets and jump out the window. Making everyone scream in shock.

"Ritsu!" I yelled and ran over to the window. Looking outside, I saw him hanging there with a smile on his face.

"I'm alright!" He yells back to me.


"Okay. Let's get moving, everyone!"


The next floor. It was drenched; in blood from top to bottom. You couldn't help but lose your last meal. There were bodies of people that managed to stay human and leave the world. Having been mutilated: having nothing left.

'What caused this? Was that dog down here after all? Or was this caused by something else?'

"Haru-chan? What do we do now?" Honey asks her as he looked around them. Mori, looking worried held Honey close to him.

"We continue to move forward. Don't look back at this place. Gather as many supplies as we possibly can. We stay on guard. Whatever caused this could still be here. Or this could be the cause of the dog. We can't be sure." I told them as we moved forward quickly and quietly.

So we moved forward, Never looking back.

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