Chapter 7: Hey Nurse!

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We made our way down the endless hallways. The silence was nerve-wracking, only hearing our deep breaths and footsteps. There was blood splattered all in the halls. It was like you could still hear; their screams. It was blood-chilling and shook you to the bone. Yet, we tried our best to stay strong and get through it. We could not help jumping at the slightest bit of noise. Not knowing what was behind the noises, Not even wanting to attempt to find out. We all shook in fear, yet the determination on our faces never wavered. We continued to stand tall.

Making; our way down the hallways. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Nudging Tetsuya and Ritsu, I signaled to what I saw. They both nodded their heads and crouched down. The three of us slowly went to the creatures. It being fifteen of those undead monstrosities. We quickly and quietly took them all out. Honey and Mori helped us out in the fight, Making it a quick and easy battle for all of us.


'It feels like we have killed hundreds of those things. Yet they seem to keep on coming, Like a never-ending fight that we will somehow lose. It seems completely and utterly useless. How are we to manage to get out of this hellish school? A question that seems; to have no answer at the moment. Yet, I will find it at some point. Soon. How many more of that undead are still in here?'

"This School... There are thousands of people that go to this school. Even though school ended and the majority went home. How many of them stayed behind is unknown. How many more of these creatures we have to fight to survive is still unknown." I told the others, and they all looked down to the floor. All of us were now in deep thought.

"She's right. The school had thousands of students going here. Although, it was after school when this all had happened. The number of students only went down to mere hundreds. We should be careful we don't know what lies ahead of us." Kyoya said to the group.

"Wow! Only Hundreds!?" Hikaru says to him sarcastically. Kaoru followed his lead immediately, also mocking Kyoya in his way. Kyoya only pushed up his glasses, causing the twins to halt. Them both holding each other in freight.

Shaking my head, I looked towards the group once more.

"Let's forget about all that! We shouldn't give up because of something like that. We are going to make it out of this together. Now we should focus on the task at hand. Let's keep moving forward." I tell them before walking away, heading towards the nurses' office just like we planned. I could hear the group muttering in agreement as I left.

Looking in front of me, I could see the doors. The office had this dark and unsettling aura around it. It makes us want to turn back and run away. Yet, I refused to give in as I walked up and stood in front of the doors. There were bloody handprints smeared against the glass. Blood in considerable amounts was oozing underneath the door. I could feel that sickening feeling coming back to me. As the fear in my body never left only, increased in size.

'I wonder what happened here. It looks and feels worse than all the rest. Is whatever that caused this still in the room? Or maybe they are in this hallway? Whatever it is, we need to make a decision, a plan even. We got to think this through.'

"What are you waiting for, Haruhi. Let's go." Tamaki says before opening the door. Everyone watching him choked on-air as they gasped in shock. My eyes widened in shock: at his stupidity.

'Tamaki!?' Everyone screamed in their heads.



"You idiot! Think before you do something dangerous like that! We don't know what's in there. Read the room, Tamaki!" I yelled quietly; as I hit him on the head. He only laughs before quickly apologizing to us.

"Sorry, guys. I didn't realize I thought that you didn't want to do it yourself. So I was going to take one for the team. That way you, guys didn't have to." Tamaki said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. That caused some of us to chuckle at him.

"Okay, whatever. Let's get going. We can think more about this later. Okay?" I told them as I walked into the nurse's office. Taking a look around the hellish room, Holding my bat up defensively in front of me as I walked in; Before I could react, somebody latched onto my bat.


Quickly moving, I push them back with force, Hearing the enemy hit the floor with a loud bang. I quickly swing my bat towards them, Before I heard a squeal and someone telling me to wait.

"Wait! Please Haruhi! It's just me!" Someone yelled from the ground. I looked over, and my eyes widened in surprise as I looked at who was there.

'Wait, that's!'

"Renge! You're still alive!?" I exclaimed as I ran over to her. The girl shivered as she looked petrified and covered in blood. She looked almost unrecognizable as she: was drenched in the foul liquid.

"Heh. Yeah, it's me, Haru. I am so happy you found me!" Renge exclaims with tears in her eyes. They threatened to fall at any moment. As she sat there, still shaking in fear. The others stared at her in shock as the twins couldn't hold their stomachs anymore.

'I wonder what happened to her. She looks like she went through hell and back over and over again. Was she here when whatever happened in here happened? If so. What exactly did happen here, I wonder.'

"Renge? How long have you been here? Are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?" I say as I walk over to the poor girl. Holding her to my chest, she started crying. I looked at her in shock before comforting her. Pausing my advancement to get answers to calm her down.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken up right now. I just came to the nurse's because I hurt my arm. T-then it all s-started. I-I don't know what happened. Or even how I even survived. It just all happened so fast." Renge said as she held onto me tightly. The tears, falling from her eyes even faster than before.

"It's okay now, Renge. You are safe here with me. If you don't mind, can explain to us more about what happened here. It seems like you were in here when it happened. Did whatever caused this leave?" I asked her hesitantly, As she looked over to me in fear.

"Haruhi, It was a massacre. And the thing that caused it..."




















"It never left."

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