Chapter 2: Behind the door

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After the incident, everyone seemed to be frozen. Tamaki sat on one of the couches, his head in his hands. Mori tried comforting Honey as Kyoya sat with Tamaki. The twins held onto each other as Haruhi sat in a corner.

All their faces were in pure horror. They all seemed to distance themselves from each other. Haruhi had long forgotten her tears as she tried to plan an escape. As she continued to stare at the wall in front of her,

No one knew if she was okay or not. Not that they didn't care. They all; didn't know how to talk to the girl at the moment. They all couldn't process what happened. Yet Tamaki seemed to have enough of the silence and the moping. So he got off of the couch.

"Why did you do it?" Tamaki says as he walked over to Haruhi. She looked up, baffled.

"What are you talking about, Tamaki?" She questioned him as he glared at her.

"You sit here moping around. Crying before, yet now you sit in silence? Did you tell us not to open the door? You listened to their screams seemingly, unfazed by it. Why did you do it, Haruhi!? What the hell is going on!? What the hell did you see out there!? Huh!? Not going to fucking speak, are you!? Give me one reason I shouldn't throw you out of here!" Tamaki yells at her as he grabbed the front end of her shirt.

Haruhi looked at him with cold dead eyes. Making everyone suck in their breath. Tamaki never letting go of her go yet still grew fearful.

"Get your fucking hands off of me! Such a fucking gentleman! Accusing me after I saved your asses! I told you what happened out there if you cleaned your fucking ears! You dumbass!" She yells before shoving him to the ground. Then she walked away from them.

"Haru-chan! Hey, please come back!" Honey yells as he tried to run after her. Only to be held back by Mori as he shook his head.

"Leave her be Mitsukuni. She needs some space." Mori says to his cousin, As everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Tamaki just ignored everyone as he grumbled in a corner.

The tension was thick in the air, As everyone didn't know what to do about it. Yet did nothing to find a solution either. Although, most were all curious about Haruhi. She left for the changing rooms a while ago. Then she never came back.

The next thing any of them knew, she had walked out. She dressed as if she was in a war zone, Weapons on her body as she looked ahead of her serious. Tamaki looked up at her and gave a small scoff, Yet never made a move to speak. He just stayed silent.

"What are you wearing, Haruhi?" Hikaru asked her as he held onto Kaoru.

"Survival gear." She mutters as she went over to the door. She then started to move things over.

"What the hell!? What do you think you're doing, Haruhi!?" Kyoya yells at her as Tamaki charged her way.

"I'm getting out of here. It's a matter of time in where those things will find us. We need to leave. I already took the liberty to pack our supplies." She tells them as they took in the thought, Knowing that she was right about that.


"When did we ever decided that you were the boss!? What are you thinking!? Trying to get us killed after all!? You're a monster! " Tamaki yells at her after he smacked her in the face.

Everyone looked at him in shock. No one knew who this person was anymore; He was different. More violent and disgraceful. He wasn't their princely king anymore.

*Bang Bang Bang*

"We are leaving," Haruhi says as the undead broke through the door.

Grabbing a weapon off her back, she swung and hit one. Its brains splattered on the floor, As the others ran far away from the door. Haruhi glared at the undead as they staggered inside; Mori held onto Honey as his life depended on it. Everyone was shocked by Haruhi's quick reactions and skills.

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