A Broken Tribrid

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Hope sat in her room staring at the wall she'd defeated malivore, become a full Tribrid, and saved a lot of innocent people from dying. she should've felt good, everyone was safe but she didn't she felt empty the same way she felt after the death of her parents.
She was broken she wanted to die so badly but a normal stake wouldn't cut it. It wouldn't help any way Landon was dead, for good this time. She'd made sure of that, she'd killed him herself watched the life leave his eyes right after she said she loved him.

Josie and Lizzie sat in there room they wanted to be there for their friend but she had pushed them away. "It's killing me that she's going through this." Lizzie said softly there was no sarcasm in her voice, no joking tone just sadness. Even though Lizzie didn't like Landon she'd never wish the hobbit dead. She may have given Hope a hard time about putting Landon before everyone else but this was no joking matter her best friend's boyfriend was dead Lizzie couldn't imagine being in Hope's place, would this be what it'd be like if she won the merge? Both Lizzie and Josie dreaded the day that would come.

Josie finally spoke "She hasn't come out in three days, maybe we should check on her." "You do that I'm going to contact Freya Hope needs her family now more then ever." Lizzie replied Josie nodded and headed towards her friends room. She stopped feeling the magic around the room she siphoned the spell before she entered. Josie took one look at her friend her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she looked thinner then usual, and she seemed exhausted. The floor was littered with tissues, clothes were everywhere some covered in blood stains, and there were half painted canvases but Josie's attention was directed only at her friend."Hey Jo." She said her voice cracking.

"I'd ask how your doing but that's a stupid question." Josie said sitting next to her, she wasn't leaving her friend tonight. "I'm so tired Jo, tired of fighting, tired of losing people I love. Every time I get close to someone I get hurt or they die and I'm the reason." She said bitterly Josie gently lifted Hope's chin forcing the Tribrid to look at her.

  "No, your not, what happened to Landon was nothing you did. it was Malivore and the Necromancer and not you, understand?" She said gently Hope nodded in response and hugged her friend tightly. "Don't fight let it out." Josie whispered her friend did the room shook violently and windows cracked, Josie simply held Hope running her fingers through her friends hair. "Are you hungry?" Josie asked in a whisper as the room stopped shaking. Hope nodded saying she hadn't eaten in a few days. Josie held out her arm and told her friend to drink from her. Hope shook her head "I won't drink from you." Josie saw the untouched blood bags maybe her friend was the normal type of hungry she sent a text to Lizzie asking her to bring some food up to Hope's room. "Lizzie's going to bring some food up to us." Josie said she could tell her friend was exhausted Josie wrapped one arm around her friend Who in turn rested her head on her shoulder.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to find someone to love again?" Hope asked. "I know you will." Josie said as Lizzie walked in holding a bag. "I hope you like Chinese." Lizzie said as she unpacked all the food. Hope nodded in response the three girls ate in silence only exchanging a few comments here and there. " I spoke to your aunt Freya a little while ago, she and Rebekah are coming here sometime this week." Lizzie said breaking the silence.

"Thank you." Hop said in reply and picked up the blood bag and began to drink. Lizzie and Josie exchanged looks before digging into there food. By the time they all finished it was almost ten the mood shifted a bit but there was still sadness in the atmosphere. "You two should go to bed Cleo will be back soon and I don't think she is in the mood for a slumber party." Hope said. The twins shook there head. "Jo and I are staying and to be honest I don't think I could get my sister to leave you alone, I do need to change though." Lizzie said before heading to her room.

"She's right you know, I'm not leaving you not tonight, not ever." Josie said pulling her friend close to her the two sat there in silence until Lizzie came back with a pair of Josie's pajama's.  After changing both sisters sat on the bed with Hope between them. "I'm broken." She said sadly Lizzie and Josie exchanged looks they wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

"I don't believe that." Josie said wrapping an arm around her friend again.
"Yeah, everyone has issues I know I do." Lizzie added moving a strand of hair and tucking it behind her friends ear. "I don't know what to do it hurts so much." Hope said lying down. "I know it does but a broken heart isn't the same as being broken" Josie said lying next to her friend As her sister did the same Hope was sandwiched between the two. Josie summoned a book from her bag she'd bought with her and began to read. While her hand automatically moved towards the tribrids like a magnet to metal. Hope felt the siphon's fingers intertwine with hers and seemed to calm completely her body relaxed, she leaned into Josie and her eyes closed as sleep took her.

Unknown to both girls While Lizzie was playing with the shorter girls hair she'd been siphoning magic in tiny portions slowly as to not anger her friend or alert her to what she was about to do. "Pacificus Somnus." She whispered and her friend seemed to slowly fall asleep. She felt kind of bad but she knew Hope probably wouldn't sleep any other way. For the past three nights Lizzie and Josie had used Kaleb and MG's vamp hearing to know if Hope was okay and for those three nights it was the same Hope Mikealson one of the strongest poeple Lizzie knew would breakdown and cry herself to sleep.

And if the mini earthquakes at 2 am were any indication Hope was having nightmares. So if using a spell to get her friend to sleep nightmare free she'd do it. She watched her friend sleep for awhile ready to act if her friend started to toss, turn and scream but it never came. she wondered if It was the spell or just having a friend in the same room Hope was sleeping soundly.

Lizzie continued to eye her friend who was snuggling her twin like a child cuddling a stuffed animal. "I think Hope has confused you for a teddy bear." She joked watching as a sleeping Hope wrapped her arms around her twin. Josie placed her book on the nightstand next to her and turned to face her sister which was difficult considering the sleeping girl wouldn't release her grip. "It might upset Finch but Hope needs people who care about her to get her through this. She needs us Lizzie."

Lizzie nodded in response "that's why I called her family, while both of us could probably get her through this I don't think we could really fully understand what she's going through." She said it was true too, while both Lizzie and her sister cared about Hope and would do anything for her they couldn't fully understand what she was going through. While Josie had killed Alyssa Chang she didn't really care sure she felt bad but honestly Josie thought she was a bitch and while both had killed Malivore monsters, and other threats they had never felt an attachment to them.

This was different and both knew it, right now Hope needed her family because they knew what it was like. As Lizzie drifted off to sleep Josie switched off the lights she couldn't help the feeling that Hope would need a lot of support in the future. Josie decided then and there she'd stand with Hope. The entire world could turn on Hope Mikealson but not her, not Josie. With that in mind Josie turned pulling the smaller girl close to her as she drifted off to sleep as well. For the first time in weeks Hope slept nightmare free, feeling safe in Josie's arms.

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