When you're Ready

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The next morning Rebekah met with Caroline and Alaric she wasn't pleased with how the headmaster dealt with trauma by throwing students in a magical box and she was pissed about the book. "You are partly to blame for this, pulling the your dad was a killer and you'll be one too. And don't get me started on that biased book you have in the library. How much blood is on The Salvatore brother's hands, or Caroline she has a high kill count as well, no offense." Rebekah said looking at the other blonde.

"None taken." Caroline said. "once I was sure Hope was still asleep I did a head dive and saw the way you always guilted her, how the students treated her reading about my brother, where's my book or Gilbert's, I don't see one about Lockwood I see no book about Stefan being a ripper or Elena turning off her humanity and killing poeple."

"She's right Rick, everyone except you and Matt have moved past that. Klaus was the reason we had enough money for this school He's the reason Hope is here in the first place." Caroline said. "A few things are going to change around her if my niece is going to stay." Rebekah added crossing her arms.

"You can't seriously think that withdrawing Hope from the school is the answer." Alaric began. "I intend to take Hope back to New Orleans to help her master her new abilities, it will be Hope's choice if she wants to return, when and if she decides to come back you are to rid this school of that bloody book, teach offensive magic so the witches have a chance in the real world, give human blood to those able to control themselves, and hire a psychiatrist to help kids through trauma instead shoving them in a bloody box!"

Alaric was about to argue but Caroline shut him up. "Deal, what else did you want to talk about?" 
"Two packs wish to speak to Hope, " Rebekah began both Alaric and Caroline looked shocked.
"Two?" Rick asked surprised. "One is her mother's the other is a pack of hybrids who are sired to her."

"Sired how?"
"My brother, used Hope's blood to create hybrids so if anything were to happen to us she'd have some family left." Rebekah explained pausing she added, "when I was in hope's mind there's something I saw that involved your daughters."

Upstairs Hope slowly opened her eyes she was in her room it took a minute for the sound of soft humming to reach her ears she turned expecting to see her aunt. However instead of seeing Rebekah she was pleasantly surprised to see Josie lying next to her reading a book she must of noticed her friend stir because she placed the book down and turned on her side so she was looking at the tribrids. Her beautiful brown eyes meeting Hope's blue ones.

"Hey." The brunette said smiling at her.

"Hey." Hope replied she was exhausted but knowing Josie was with her made her feel safe somehow.

"Where's my aunt and why aren't you at breakfast?"

"Rebekah is down stairs talking with my parents, Lizzie and MG are bringing us breakfast, and I'm here because your my friend and I promised you wouldn't ever face anything alone." Josie replied the Tribrid couldn't help but smile Josie was always going out of her way to help the ones she loved. Josie was kind and gentle with a huge heart. 'Finch is one lucky wolf.' Hope thought There was a knock at the door and Lizzie and MG walked in with two trays and a blood bag. Josie took one of the trays that was filled with Hopes favorite foods and handed it to the shorter girl.

MG left saying he was meeting Ethan and that Finch wanted to talk to Josie about something later. After he left the girls amte in silence after they finished Hope looked at the twins as both girls moved over to sit on the bed next to her.

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