Naturae Furor and Praesidiis Lunae

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The next morning Hope awoke and made her way outside she was learning how to connect with her wolf. Freya had come across a book about a witch who was also a wolf and was able to use her magic while in wolf form. The only one capable of teaching her this was her wolf  but first she needed to know the name of her wolf. Which is why she stood with the remaining crescents and aunt Keelin. She needed answers that only her wolf could give her.

"You seem nervous." Keelin said.

"Well I've never actually connected with my wolf before, I mean I can feel what it feels but it's not like she's ever come to me in a dream." Hope said nervously. "Well the, this should be interesting." A voice replied She turned to see Davina walk out with Freya, Kole, Rebekah and Marcel. "I thought the two of you were heading back to San Francisco." Hope said facing Kole and Davina "I wanted to witness Tribrid magic with my own eyes." Davina said hugging her niece. Like the rest of the family the New Orleans witch had been helping Hope master her knew abilities. The whole family had come together three months ago to help Hope with her transition. Davina and Freya helped Hope remaster her spell work and Kole, Rebekah, and Marcel helped her with her vampire abilities and hunger. Now it was time to master her new wolf powers.

"Well there's that and Freya needs to Channel a lot of power for this ritual to work." Kole said. "So how does this work?" Hope asked looking at Keelin and Freya. "We're going to put you into a deep slumber, You'll be in a different plane of existence. I don't know what you'll see or what you'll find, but time passes much differently in there then it does out here." Freya said lighting a candle. "So basically I few hours out her would be a few years in there?" Hope asked it sounded a lot like the prison world. Davina nodded before taking her niece to the side.

"Hope I've done rituals that allowed me to go to different planes of existence, it's how I found your uncle Kole. One thing to remember is you'll have access to your wolf abilities but depending on weather you can access your magic is up to her." Davina said referring to hope's wolf. "Up until now, all the spells you've learned have been ones that have been passed down for generations by different covens, every battle you and your friends have won was do to teamwork and faith in each other. But in there you'll be on your own."

Hope nodded. "I understand, I'll be careful." She said Davina smiled and pulled her niece into a hug before leading her to the pentagram that the crescents had set up. "Are you ready sweetie?" Freya asked as Hope sat in the circle. Freya didn't like the fact that Hope would be alone in limbo. She knew that Hope could take care of herself but as an aunt she couldn't help but worry. Hope nodded in response.

"Okay, lay down." Freya said gently Hope did as she was told the last thing she heard was Davina's voice whisper, "Incendia." As Freya began chanting the world faded into darkness.

Hope awoke it was dark and she was in a forest the only thing lighting the way was the full moon. It was quite peaceful the stars twinkling almost like a dream but it was real. Just then something blurred past her and it wasn't human as the Tribrid's eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw it out of the corner of her eye a white wolf.


Hope turned around around to see Josie looking confused she had been on her way to a launch date with Finch when she felt dizzy and the world go black.

"Jo, what are you doing here?" The Tribrid asked her friend concerned.

"I'm not sure, I was on my way to lunch to meet Finch next thing I know the world goes black I wake up and I'm here." The siphon replied. "Were is here anyway?" She asked looking around. "Another plane of existence. My wolf is supposed to teach me spells that were only known to werewolves with witch genes." Hope explained. Josie was about to say something when they were interrupted by a howl in the distance. Hope turned around instinctively pulling Josie behind her. In the distance she saw the silhouette of a wolf.

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