Breakdowns and aunts.

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Both Josie and Lizzie woke up to see the sun rising Josie quickly got up and went to shower knowing Lizzie would ask questions about why Hope was in her bed? That was until she noticed Hope wasn't in her bed. She was a little disappointed but not surprised, she knew Hope was an early riser and she knew if Lizzie saw her sister and a naked Hope in the same bed she'd never let them live it down. "You look well rested." Lizzie noted.
"Yeah, I'm goanna get in the shower." Josie quickly replied and hurried to the bathroom. "By the way, Freya and her wife as well as Davina are going to be arriving in about a week." Lizzie said Josie stopped in her tracks "I thought it was only a day or two, did something happen?" She asked frowning Lizzie shook her head. "No, everyone's fine but Rebekah was already on her way here so she'll be at least a little early." Josie nodded before closing the bathroom door.

The next few days seemed to pass by in slow motion. Landon's death did hurt Hope, more then anyone could tell. It was quite sad and most of the time, she didn't leave her room. The only people she would let in, were Josie and Lizzie.

Josie was there for Hope after that night. She was there no matter what time of day. Josie was there. The two of them grew closer by the day it started from lunches together (the first time Lizzie had to practically drag the Tribrid out of her room.) to sleep overs, to late night cuddles to prevent nightmares, and movie nights. At least two of them were unaware that they were falling for each other and yet, they knew at the same time. Josie and Hope were closer then ever."

while the squad noticed how close the two had become they didn't say anything. When she wasn't with Hope Josie spent time with Finch. Lizzie noted Hope slowly getting better except the fact her friend's artwork had reflected her mood. One day she entered Hope's room too see some of her artwork they ranged from landscapes, friends, family, and different animals. There were two paintings that caught her eye. The painting was the twins cuddling a white wolf. While it was cute Lizzie felt a little troubled by the other painting of a white wolf killing a shadowed figure and the shadow figure ripping the wolfs heart out.

'Definitely Malivore.' She thought before taking a photo of both painting and leaving to show her sister.

As the days went on Josie and Lizzie were spending so much time with Hope that People started to suspect the Tribrid was having a three way with the twins. Finch, MG, Kaleb, Jed, and Cleo, Hell even Ethan. But everytime someone asked, the three of them would just awkwardly blush and become really awkward, trying their best to deny the questions.

But two of them really wanted to be together, they just didn't know it. Or they didn't realize it because they thought they were just friends. But Hope and Josie were definitely not just friends. They had become more than that. Everyone could see it and yet the two of them didn't. All because they were too afraid to open up to one another.

Every time Josie found love or care in someone; they left her, hurt her or both. Jade, Landon and Penelope. So Josie was too afraid to give Hope a chance plus she was with Finch. She was also too afraid to admit to the truth. The truth was, Josie was falling for Hope.

For Hope, almost every person she's ever loved had died. Her mom, her dad, her uncle, and now Landon; by her hand no less. Rafael too: (though they had managed to bring him back) So for Hope to admit she was falling for Josie was almost as difficult as convincing her that she is, not a "cosmic mistake" but that she is in fact a one of a kind human who deserves love and deserves to be cherished just as much as any other human.

It was around 6:30 PM and hope was in her room working on another painting "they're lovely, you truly have your Father's talent." Hope turned around to see Rebekah standing in the door way. "Aunt Rebekah?" she asked wondering if she was really there or not. "Im really here little one." Hope put down the brush and paints as her aunt walked over and pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry I wasn't here for the big day but I'm here now." Her aunt whispered feeling Rebekah's embrace, knowing she was really here it was to much all her heartbreak that she'd fought so hard to bury made its way to the surface.

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