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I stared at the doors. I had definitely closed them when I'd came to bed. Maybe... I'd left a window open, and the wind had blown then closed?

I almost never opened my windows.

But what other explanation was there? Maybe one of the windows had a leak. It was a creepy, creeky old house, after all... Yeah, that's it. There had to be a leak or something, maybe in the roof. It was all entirely normal. 

I shown the flashlight around the room again. I wanted to get out of bed, to try to turn on the lights, but... What if there were actually things in the dark?

I told myself that was silly. Monsters don't... Monsters don't... The memory of the animatronics flashed back through my mind, and I was paralysed in place. My legs felt like they were made of ice, solidified together. It was so cold. I pulled the blankets over me, up to my chest, backing up again so I was with my back to the headboard. What if I hid under the bed? ...what if something worse was under the bed? Chills went down my back. Who was I kidding? I wasn't moving from the bed anytime soon. I heard a loud crunching footstep, and I frantically whipped the flashlight to shine out the left door. Was that... Two small lights reflected off my flashlight. I blinked, and they disappeared. What were those? I had just imagine them, probably. Probably, my consciousness whispered ominously back to me. Another noise- I shone my light down the right hallway. Something metallic-looking glittered back at me, and it didn't go away. 

Suddenly, I heard a hissing noise, like whispering snakes, very soft, and I just about but my tounge off in fright. "Close the doors," it told me. What? 

That had to be my imagination- that was just my imagination- I told myself over and over again in my head. 

"Quickly! Quickly!" 

I jumped, and I shown my light back onto the left door- there were definitely two eyes in the distance, down the hallway. 


"I-I- I can't!" I managed to whisper back, barely audible. My voice sounded so terrified, it increased my fear to hear myself sounding like that. A frustrated hissing noise came from whatever it was, and then... a small, small noise came from above me, like a peice of plaster shifting. I didn't look up, because I was afraid if I stopped shining my light at the door, the thing there would attack. But I hunched up my shoulders, trying to hide from whatever could be up the hole in the ceiling. I waited. I didn't hear anything. I dared to take my eyes off the thing, still keeping my light on it, and look up as far as I could without moving my head. I saw a tentacle, black and white striped, snaking out of where the hole would be, and moving across the ceiling towards the doors. I was to terrorized to move, and watched, hypnotized by the tentacle's odd beauty. More came, and they reached the doorhandles, and shut and locked them. I looked up towards the crack above my bed, shining the light up at the hole. A white face with black streaks like tears shone down on me, with black holes for eyes, with two little white lights like eyes in them, and a smiling mouth that had the sharpest teeth I'd ever seen. The face was scary, but also... pretty. through my terror I found myself admiring the white, glowing pupils. Two black hands gripped the edge of the ceiling, and I stared as the face leaned closer. Suddenly, a pounding came from the doors and I flinched- the light fell from my hand and shown on the doors. My heart was pounding and felt like it would explode out of my chest. I looked from the doors to the ceiling, the eyes faintly illuminating the face in the dark. 

CRACKKKK! a horrid, splintering sound struck panic into my veins, as I saw five razor-sharp claws rip through the door and get stuck. My eyes wide, I stared, shaking. "Come with me..." The voice came from the figure this time, and I looked back up, connecting the voice I'd heard before with the person up there. A slender tentacles slipped out and wound itself around my waist, and I felt more, crawling around me and lifting me up. A hand reached out, a black, human shaped one, and I took it, as I was lifted up into the attic, the face coming close so it was only a foot away. They lifted me up and onto something soft, and I saw the light coming out of the hole that led down to my bedroom. The thing looked at me, and then another ripping noise came from the room below, and it turned away and I felt the smooth tentacles unwind from around me, and then the light from the hole went out and all was black.

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