Bad Ending

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⚠️ Warning, themes of suicide and death! ⚠️

I shoved him away.
I looked at him as though I had never seen him before, an maybe I never had.
What kind of psychopath set houses on fire for me?
I felt horrified, repulsed, and afraid of what else he would be willing to do for me.
"No, I..." My voice cracked.

"You need to leave."

He lay there, silent.

"..Didn't you hear me? I said, go!"

He slowly got to his feet. I saw tentacles slowly start unraveling from inside his sleeves and from his back.
Afraid, I grabbed a rock and threw it at him. It smacked him in the face, and I gasped, afraid at what I had done.

He paused, and touched his face where I had thrown the rock. I saw something dark and wet on his face.

"Oh... So that's how you want to play."

His voice was different, slithering and terrifying, like the night I had first heard him.

"Well... I can play that way too."

He didn't move his feet, but stood in mid-air, gliding towards me as his tentacles held him up. Somehow, his body didn't look human anymore.

I turned and ran. As fast as I could, My feet hitting the ground hard, my heart beating so far I thought it would climb out of my chest.

I ran and ran. And then I stopped. I couldn't hear him anymore. And I realized, I had made a terrible mistake- I had run deeper into the woods, away from the town, and away from anyone who could help me.
I turned around, trying to catch a glimpse of light from where the town might be located, but I couldn't see anything. It was as quiet. So quiet I could hear the trees branches waving in the wind as it picked up. Somewhere, lightning struck above, illuminating the forest, and I saw something. A black, tall creature with tentacles around it, and a white mask with two black streaks down from the eyes. It was staring at me. I had to clamp both hands over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Maybe he hadn't seen me, maybe I still had a chance, if I-

"Found you."

This Time I really did scream, as it had come from behind me, merely inches away from my neck. I whipped around and tripped, falling onto my back. I scurried backwards as far as I could, only to back up into a tree.

The face in the darkness slowly creeped towards till it was inches from mine. I felt a hand touch the side of my face.

"(Name)... Just come with me..."

I suddenly felt angry. Angry at him for doing this to me. None of this was fair. I smacked his hand away.

"Never," I spat.

"Oh... (Name). I know you love me..."

I struggled as I felt his slithery tentacles grab my arms and hold me there.

"NO! I HATE you! I'll never let you have me, ever! I would rather die!"

He paused.

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do! Now, let me go!"

He leaned towards me and stroked my face.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You said you wanted to die. And now that I think about it... That might be the best way."

I stopped struggling, staring at him.


"Yes... Now, If I can't have you, no one can.... We will be together soon, Love."

"What?! No! NO! DON'T DO THIS TO M-"

There was silence.

Somewhere, in the woods, Mari looked up to the sky, his hands covered in blood for the second time that night.

And sometime, later that week, a person going for a walk would find a body, apparently killed from a rock to the head, and nothing but a strange mask left beside it.


That was the bad ending so

R.I.P. (Name)

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