Trust Me

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I felt like I could stare at him forever, but I suddenly became self conscious and dropped my gaze. What was he? Where did he come from? Nightmarionne... What sort of a name was that? I was interrupted in my thoughts by him clearing his throat. 

"Who're you?" He asked, and I noticed his voice was different, now that he had the mask off. He sounded like a normal person. Oh, right... My name? 

"Oh, I'm... (Name)." I said softly. 

"Hm. (Name)." He said thoughtfully, his gaze wandering over me and down to my clothes. I looked down at myself. I was still in my work clothes from yesterday, I hadn't taken them off last night before going to bed. His brow furrowed, seeing them. 

"You work there?" He questioned, and it was impossible to tell from his tone whether or not he liked that. 

"Um... I did, but... Not anymore, I'm not going back there." I answered tentatively, watching his face for a reaction. His face was unreadable. 

"Well, you can't really escape now," was what he said next, and I widened my eyes, slightly panicking. Was this boy kidnapping me?!

"What? Why?" I asked, nervously, and thinking of the monsters I had seen last night, my hands started to shake slightly. I  held my hands to try and stop it. I didn't want to seem so scared in front of him.

He noticed my unease though, and he smiled as he leaned towards me, so he was about a foot and a half away from my face.

"The animatronics. They won't leave you alone now, they will come for you at night." I shivered at his words, and he noticed, again- he seemed very observant to everything.

"Don't worry. I won't let them get you," he said, and moved his hand to brush my hair out of my eyes lightly with his fingertips. I stood still as stone as he did so, and my heart seemed to flutter for a moment, his touch felt as light as a feather brushing my forehead. After a second, he moved away, and I breathed again, even though I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. 

"W-" I started, and he looked at me expectantly. My courage almost failed at just a interested glance from him. "Why won't you let them... Get me?"

He blinked in surprise, then looked at the floor. "I want a friend," he replied confidently, looking back up into your eyes. After a moment, he asked, "... Will you be my friend? I mean, there's not really any other choice, but..." 

I smiled a small smile, just a small one, for the first time in a while, and I nodded. I couldn't escape anyway, if what he said was true. And I wanted to be his friend. A little voice in my head told me he wasn't human and I couldn't trust him, and worried about how he had said I didn't have much of a choice, but I pushed that thought away. He had saved me, I didn't think he was going to hurt or kidnap me. Anyway, He seemed to light up a bit at my answer, and grinned at me. He smiled a lot. I also noticed his teeth were sharper looking than normal.

"So... Is it safe to go down? Now that it's morning?" I asked, scanning around the floor for a way down. 

"Oh, yeah, they're gone now." He reached over and took an old, dusty, mat-looking thing off the rafter-boards, revealing a hole that had my bed below it. I could see a lot of dirt and plaster on my bed that had rained down from the hole, and I winced at the thought of having to clean all that up. He climbed over to the edge and dropped down, and I heard the springs of my bed creaking in protest as he landed. I crawled over to the hole an looked down. He was looking up at me, sitting on my bed, and it seemed... A long way down. I was never very good with heights. Not terrified, just... Not in love with them. I swung my legs over and into the hole, but stayed sitting at the edge, gripping it with my hands, as I stared at the long drop. 

He, again, noticed my hesitation and stood up on my bed, so that he was only a short way away from me, and stretched out his arms. 

"C'mon, just slide down and I'll catch you," he offered. I looked at him uncertainty.

"I won't drop you, I promise. Trust me."

Trust him.

Don't do it, the voice in my head, probably my conscience, told me. It's a bad idea.

I let go and slid out of the attic.

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