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(pic supposed to be a newspaper.... 😅 Yeah I'm not great at drawing newspapers it turns out)

Being with Mari was great. It felt like I was living out a slice of heaven, something I never deserved but loved every second of. 

But then something happened. The pizzeria shut down, but another one opened- and with it, news of more disturbing things. Children went missing. I walked to work quicker than I used to. Strange things came up on the news. 

I sat on Mari's lap, now, as he was doing his "sleep" thing, scanning the newspaper anxiously. Suddenly, I jolted, waking up Mari. 

"Huh? What is it, love?" He said, blinking, as alert as ever. 

"Mari..." My voice broke. I pointed at the paper wordlessly.

There, on a section of the news, was an article about a person who had been found dead in his home. Axel. My co-worker had been on sick leave, after catching a nasty cold, for the past few weeks. I stared, unbelieving. How could someone I had spoken to, someone I'd joked with and been friends with die? For a few moments it just didn't make sense. Then a creeping, cold sense of dread had filled me. 

He was dead. Nothing could bring him back. Had he had a family? I vaguely remembered him mentioning his aunt and sister. I slowly let the newspaper fall to the ground, suddenly feeling sick and not wanting to look at it any longer. Mari gently rubbed my back comfortingly. 

"Mari? I... I think I wanna go to bed.."

Even though it was only evening, I suddenly felt exhausted. 

He nodded, and picked me up. I didn't protest as he gently put me in the bed and pulled the covers over us both. He wrapped his arms around me, and I breathed in his familiar, comforting smell as I drifted off to sleep.


Mari waited until he was sure you had fallen asleep. Then he slipped out of bed. He picked the newspaper off the floor and studied it. He wasn't too disturbed by Axel's death. He had never liked him much. He liked you, and only you. As he read, he noticed Afton Robotics had made the animatronics and was facing several allegations regarding the missing children. And now, Axel. Something was wrong. And Mari intended to find out what it was and stop it before it could ever hurt you. He bent down and kissed your forehead. You wouldn't wake up till the early morning, he knew your sleep schedule by heart. Then he put on his mask and slipped out into the night. 

Nothing was going to hurt you. 

He would make sure of that. 

(Kinda short but I finally got inspiration and whipped this up on the spot lol)

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