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I woke up in Mari's arms, and was confused at first, then embarrassed as I remembered the events of last night. I wanted to get up and pretend that this never happened. But on the other hand... Mari was very comfortable... I lay there for a bit longer. Eventually my stomach growled and I carefully got up, trying not to wake him. Then I looked at him while he was sitting there sleeping, with his eyes closed. Suddenly his eyes flew open, and I was startled into standing up and I smacked my head against the low ceiling of the attic. 

"aAgh!" A small, not very loud yelp escaped me. He immediately sat up.

"Are you okay?" He said, his eyes on where I had hit my head. 

"Yeah..." I sat down again and decided to stay there.

He crawled over to my and sat next to me, and grabbed my head gently, tilting it to inspect it. He carefully put his hand on my head and felt the small bump that was forming there. 

After a moment he let go of my head. "Why did you do that?"

I felt embarrassed again. "Er... You scared me."

He raised an eyebrow. "How did I scare you?"

"I, uh, thought you were asleep but then you opened your eyes and um..." I looked away, I could feel my face heading up slightly. 

"I see. You were wrong."

I gave him a confused look. "Wrong...? About what?"

"About me being asleep. I do not sleep, not in the way that you mean."

"...what do you mean?"

"It is... Difficult to explain," he said, looking around the attic as though searching for the words he wanted to say. After a moment, he said, "you know your phone?"

"Yeah?" I said, remembering that I left it downstairs on accident, plugged into the charger.

"And when you turn your phone off, the screen turns off, and it goes black, but you can turn it back on anytime you want- it hasn't completely shut down- it is like that. I do not know any other way to explain it." He grinned sheepishly at me.

"Wait- how do you know what a phone is?"I said, remembering how he didn't know what the pickles were or hadn't been to an ice cream shop before. 

"Oh, I watch you and the other humans use them all the time."

I shivered at the word 'humans'. I hadn't thought of him as not human, but with his... Abilities, it only made sense. 

"So- um-" his intense attention averted completely to me. I swallowed before speaking again. "You're... Not human?"

He gave me a teasing, sarcastic look. "What do you think?"

"Um, I think... No?"

He laughed, and I felt something warm and fuzzy inside me at his laugh.

"You would be right then- I am no human. I... Don't really know what I am."

I leaned forwards eagerly, wanting to hear everything about him. He smiled in a surprised way, and he leaned towards too- so close our faces were inches apart. I was frozen in place, not wanting to move away but unsure if I wanted to be this close or not. He leaned his face towards and... Booped my nose with his, and then pulled away grinning that ridiculous smile of his. I realized I had been holding my breath.  I felt something like a small pang of disappointment. At what? What had I been hoping for? A kiss? We just met! Where had he learned that? I thought he wasn't human? And why was my heart beating so fast- 

"I'll tell you all you want to know." 

Hm? Oh- he must've seen my curiosity. I looked at him, and to my surprise, saw him gazing at me with a dreamy look on his face. I don't know why, but I shivered again. Something about that look- I couldn't place it. It was so... So... The closest thing I could come up with was it was like he would do anything for someone he gave that look. Anything. Murder, stealing, anything. That was the part that scared me.

And he was looking straight at me.

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