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I will admit, I was rather curious about his whole... Situation. Ok, I was very curious.

I was about to start with my bombardment of questions when I was interrupted by a noise- my stomach growling. Mari laughed, and suggested we get something to eat first, to which I reluctantly agreed. 

Now, I was checking the fridge and worrying that I didn't have much food left. I decided to make him scrambled eggs. I hoped he'd like that- I couldn't make much of anything fancier. I liked making food for him, it was kinda... Cute, almost, that I was making him food for him to eat. A ridiculous image of me feeding him popped into my brain, and I quickly shut it down, feeling my face heat up slightly. Ugh, why did I think that? That was silly, that stuff only happens in like romance anime comics or something. 

Anyway, he liked the eggs fine, and while he was eating, I dared to ask him a question I'd been wondering about for a while.  " you have... Tentacles or something?" It sounded silly out loud, but I didn't know what else to call them, the black and white striped things I'd seen that first night. Wait, had that only been a couple of days ago? I suppressed myself from flinching at the thought of those monsters. Anyway, it felt like I'd gotten to know him very quickly, which was strange for me- I wasn't usually very good with people.

"Yes," he said, and it took me a second to remember my question. 

A pause. "U-um, what... What are they?" And where are they? I certainly didn't see any coming from him now. 

He swallowed a bite, and then replied, "they are... Like you said. Tentacles. They are a part of me, that I can summon, as well as my mask."

"Your... Mask?" I tried to remember if I'd seen him with a mask. Yes, I think I remembered something like that...

He cleared his plate and stood up, stepping a bit back into the living room. Then, suddenly, the lights seemed to flicker and go dim, and he pulled out the mask from somewhere I didn't see, which was white with black holes for eyes and two black, thick lines coming down from it- just like I remembered, now. As he put it on, two white lights appeared in the holes, and suddenly, it didn't look like just a mask anymore, it looked like a face. The room felt slightly colder now, and I saw the striped tentacle-things creeping from around the doorway, from under the couch, and around him. I froze, staring with wide eyes at the thing Mari had become. Then, a snaky, strange voice with a hiss to it spoke. 

"See?" If I listened close, I could still hear Mari's voice in it. He looked me in the eyes, and perhaps seeing how slightly freaked out I was, took off the mask. 

"Do I scare you?" He said, watching me carefully, his tentacles still twisting around the corners of the room. 

"I- no... Um, yes..." I said nervously.

He smiled, taking a couple steps towards me."It's okay, I won't hurt you, I'm your friend, remember?"

"Y- ea.."

He made a tentacle reach out in my direction, and I hesitated before timidly reaching out toward it. It snaked around my arm, and I somehow managed to stay still. It felt cool and smooth, and sort of looked like a snake or something. 

I suddenly realized how weird this whole situation was, and I smiled. I didn't have to look up to know that Mari was smiling too.

(Eep, sorry if this was a bit short...)

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