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It was dark. I was laying on something soft, with something uncomfortably hard underneath, like I was sleeping on the floor or something. Had I fallen on the floor in my sleep? I kept my eyes closed. Something was nagging me, in the back of my mind. Something important. Something about... Last night? After a second, it all came rushing back to me. The night job- the animatronics- coming home, and as the terrors of last night came spinning back, I sat up in a panic, and something hit my head from behind me. In a panic I moved blindly to the side, unable to see anything in the dark, and groped for something in the dark. My hand met something that felt like fabric, and I tried to grab it and felt something under it, and I jerked my hand away when I realized it felt like someone's skin. 

I froze in place for a second, my head throbbing where I hit it, my heart thumping, and my eyes slowly adjusting. I wasn't in total darkness, I realized. Light came from cracks in the floor. What the- where was I? Slowly, the memory of the strange person who had saved me by lifting me up came back into my mind. I was in the... Attic? I looked around. I could barely see anything, the light from below was not nearly bright enough for my liking. I noticed a crack of light coming from behind me, and when I turned around, I realized it was a small, covered window about the size of my face. I also realized that I had hit my head on the low, slanted ceiling, not some monster attacking me, with a pang of embarrassment.

I reached over to the window and pulled the price of cloth away, and in a swirl of dust, a beam of yellow, morning light shine through and the room was covered in a soft glow. The dust particles floated through the air and became visible in the light, and just looking at it made me sneeze. Then I heard a slight shifting noise, and I looked over to the side and froze again. The... Thing, or person that had saved me last night was sitting there, silver eyes just looking at me. I stared back, some of my messy hair getting in my eyes, and I realized it was the thing I must've touched in the dark.

Whoever it was looked very out of place, in the softly lit up attic full of dust. Their clothes were black, they were wearing long pants, and a loose, long-sleeved shirt that had a collar covered almost all of their neck. I now realized that the face with the silver eyes was a mask, but... Not a normal one, it seemed to stick to their face without any strings, and the mouth was closed, and I thought it had been open last I'd seen it. It was like a face, but as a mask. I don't know how to describe it better. There were no tentacles anywhere in sight, and aside from the eerie mask, they could've been a normal person. They were sitting there, leaning back with their back against a old box, just watching me without moving a muscle.

I calmed down some, seeing them just sitting there and not trying to kill me. I just stared back at them, and they stared back at me, until I couldn't stand the silence any more and I whispered in my broken morning voice- "who are you?" 

They shifted themselves, so that they were sitting up and not just leaning back. They kind of tilted their head at me, studying me, as though thinking before answering, "I don't really have one. You can call me Nightmarionne, I guess." The voice was the same from last night, whispery and slithering. It reached up and I noticed that it's hands were black at the fingers, but faded to pale, but human-colored skin by the wrist. It took it's mask off, and I briefly saw the little lights in the eyes fade out, but I was too distracted by his face. 

He was definitely a boy, with short, white hair, that had longish bangs in the front. And his eyes... The whites of his eyes were black, and his eyes were just a ring of silvery white. He looked human-like, but he definitely wasn't. His hands were no longer black, but the same pale color as his skin, and I noticed they were very long and elegant-looking. A sudden image of him wrapping those fingers around mine popped into my mind, and I could almost feel his cool skin. In general, he was... Not cute. Cute seemed... Off. He didn't seem like the kind to dare describe as cute. At least, not yet. More like... Beautiful. But in a coldish way.

Here ya go, @sarah6091 :)

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