Ice Cream

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 I turned around in a fright, to see a middle-aged man who looked as if he'd been living on the streets his whole life approaching me. I backed up quickly, not taking my eyes off him as he approached me.

"Where you going? C'mon, don't be scared," the guy chuckled, I backed up even quicker. 

"Nightmarionne?" I said loudly, still not taking my eyes of the person in front of me for fear he'd do something.

 "What's that?" The man grunted. I hoped Nightmarionne was nearby enough to hear me.

 "NIGHTMARIONNE?" I shouted, as the man started advancing more aggressively. Then I heard someone running from behind me, and Nightmarionne was there all of the sudden, in between me and the man. He stood up taller than him, and the man tried to stand up too, but was still about five inches shorter. 

"Hey, who're you?" 

Nightmarionne made no answer.

"Well, that's my girl behind you, and-" he suddenly lunged around Nightmarionne at me, and I let out a little terrified noise, there was a crack, and then the other man had a bleeding nose, and Nightmarionne's first was raised, about to deliver another blow. I was scared by the fighting and backed away with wide eyes as he punched him in the head again. "Nightmarionne, please..." He paused, listening to what I was saying. "Please, stop, I-" my voice cracked. Nightmarionne got up and walked away from him, then put an arm around my shoulder and guided me away towards the sidewalk. 

"Why-why did you do that?" I managed, trying to look back at the man but he made me continue walking. 

"He was annoying you," he replied cheerfully, still smiling. 

"Will he be okay?" I said, a bit unnerved by the way he didn't seem to feel any remorse at his actions. 

"I'm sure he will be fine," he said, looking away from me.

We walked in silence for a while. Suddenly he looked up as though something had caught his eye. "Hey- look, can we go there?" He pointed towards the buildings rising up in the distance. 

"Um... Sure," I said, distracted for the moment by the thought of the shops and stores nearby. 


"What's that?" He said, pointing towards a ice cream parlor. He'd been curious, asking me about everything in the shop's window's he could lay his eyes on, although he tended to dislike other people, ignoring them completely. I could tell not everyone had the same opinion towards him, though- there were a couple of girls on the sidewalk across from us who were giggling and looking at him. 

Feeling suddenly protective of him, I grabbed his hand casually and pulled him towards the shop and replied, "that's an Ice-Cream place- we can go there if we want." Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the one of the girls make a disappointed face at her friend when I grabbed his hand. I smiled and we entered the store.

It was a small, cute, airy cafe-like place, and after I explained what ice cream was to Mari, (I'd given him a little nickname in my head, one that sounded more human, anyway) he ordered chocolate-chip mint, and I got (kind of ice cream). I winced slightly as I payed the bill- I still hadn't gotten a job, and I needed more money soon. But this was worth it. Mari noticed my reaction, and after we sat down with our bowls in a corner of the place, by a window, he asked me what was wrong. 

"Nothing, just... I need more money. Which means I need a job. But I'm not going back to that- um, yeah." I took a bite and the refreshing coldness helped me avoid the awful memories of last night. It was about afternoon now, and the sunlight streamed through the windows and onto Mari, who was enjoying his ice cream. 

"Where do people keep their money?" He asked out of the blue. "Um- I guess in their wallets? Like, in their pockets or their purse? Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

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