Chapter 7

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Ashton's POV

I can't think of better ways how to ease my headache. Last night was pure hell, all because of that woman. I didn't mean to mention what happened 5 months ago, but it's been a fucking month that I can't hold on to my feelings anymore. I'm longing to be inside her. Im a jerk, for bringing up the topic and totally forgot what I've said that I've mistook her for someone else. I can't explain what was happening to me. This is not me whose wasting my precious time to some nonsense conversation. Yeah, she's right.., its nonsense! But I must admit I'm starting to feel an alien feelings again. Ever since I've first laid my eyes on those beautiful eyes, those sensual lips and with those long pair of legs not to mention her voluptuous body and behind, my mind's getting insane already. When she said that I'm not definitely going to be her last, there is something inside me that wanted to burst. I hate the feeling that someone will have the privilege to touch and hold her, it scares a hell out of me. I had a feeling that what i feel towards her right now could kill me someday. Its been a month since I found her here and im beginning to feel weird.

I unintentionally open the CCTV on my desktop and I saw Gin stepping out the elevator. It took a while for me to think what to do.

I called her direct line and demanded for a coffee. My meeting with the investors will start in fifteen minutes now. I had a feeling that I can't concentrate on what will be discussed so I needed to see her. Maybe having a coffee twice early in the morning won't be that bad after all.

I heard a knock...

"Come in", geez, i feel excited. And i want to puke right here, right now. Shit. What's gotten into me? Is this because I confessed of remembering everything 5 months ago?

"Ahm Sir., here's your coffee", she enter while holding a cup of coffee. She's biting her lips while her heads bent. Goddammit, I want her to look at me directly.. "I don't want the coffee dammit, I want you!" I nearly yelled at her.

"Oh yeah. Thanks", I didn't bother to look at the coffee when she put it in the table, instead i grab her hand as she turn her back towards the door. I heard her gasped and her hand was too cold.

"S-Sir? I-Is there anything else?" she stammers... Oh God, she's more pretty when she blush. I took a deep breath and let her go.

"Yes. I want you to come with me on weekend. I have some clients to meet up in Tagaytay highlands. I needed someone to write down the minutes of the meeting. And we'll finalized it by Monday. Don't worry all expense paid and you will have a double pay. It is Janice part I know but I already talked to her before you and she's sorry that she can't come with me"...... Yes please say yes baby... I said pleadingly at the back of my mind.

"What? This coming weekend Sir? Ahm, can I also decline Sir? You know, I've got some things to do on weekend."... Shit!

"No. Unfortunately, you can't. You're going to fill when Janice is in absence. Didn't you read the terms and conditions from your contract?" .. Hmmm I feel I can win this...

"No, haven't read any of it because as far as i know, your secretary only trains me before she introduce me in the department where i am assigned. And I don't know why I'm still here when in fact it's been a month now"

"Still, you're under my supervision then you'll follow my terms and conditions"

"Okay.. Point given... But If I say I can't, what will be the consequences Sir? You're going to fire me?" God! Here we are again with her arguments...

"No, i won't fire you.. You'll get one long kiss that will surely lose your breath instead... " i said as I walk towards her. She distance herself and walk backward unto the wall.. She's blushing really hard and I love to see her like that. She's so desirable and delectable, one more word babe....

"No way! You just can't --- ", she struggles from my grip as I kissed her. Yes, I am totally kissing her. How I missed this lips, it's taste and softness are like marshmallows and I'm a sucker of it. I landed my right hand to her nape and my other hand controlling her back from falling. I keep on kissing her until she has no strength to push me and God..., she responded to my kisses. I smile while my lips are sealed to hers. I continue kissing her down to her chin and drop to her jaw while stroking her throat down her shoulder blades. Ahhh it feels heaven. Im going crazy If I can't have her in my bed. Every night I dreamed owning everything she have. I heard her moan and that gives me signal to deepen the kiss. I pull the hem of her skirt up and began caressing her thighs while tracing the lace of her underwear. I felt my groin tightened and heated up and so is my dick. God, I never felt so good before this, just by kissing this woman would make me out of control.

"Babe, tell me stop.. Don't let me ravish you here..." i said in between kissing the side of her earlobe.

"Hmm? W-What?"... Oh good heavens, her moans makes my hormones raging up. She's still clinging her arms to my neck..

"Tell me stop... please tell me stop... We can't do it here.. Your sight is only in my bed..." i said in husky voice as i slip my tongue unto her throat while doing circle line to her breast. I want her.. I want her right here right now., but I can't. I want to make love to her inside my room on my bed or while we're taking shower or while on the kitchen sink. I want all that to happen but not now. I felt her stiffened....

"Shit!" she pushed me so hard while her cheeks are so red. I lift her chin up trying to meet her gaze but she's fucking stubborn.

"Look. If you really want me to come with you on weekend I want my own room, I'll eat my own meals and I'll just be around when your meeting up with clients. Nothing more and nothing less." She said after composing herself. But Christ! She's still blushing. Hmm nothing more and nothing less? Hey, that's my line baby... But I just smile and let her finish her so called conditions.

"Alright. Is that all your highness?" i still smile while staring at her not so red cheeks now... Ahh i can't get enough of my marshmallows.

"And... one more thing... The kiss was all a mistake. I let you kiss me and I responded but don't make any fuss about it." she frantically waved her hand in front me.

"Hmm we'll see baby, we'll see..." i said while batting my eyes on her.

"That would be the last bastard.! And don't call me names. Good bye!" she dramatically exited my office after staring at me as if she wants to strangle me.

I just laugh and heaved a long sigh... Ahh Lorenzo you really are in trouble. And I am more than willing to embrace that trouble right now. Izygn Montanez, you are my very beautiful nightmare.

"Oh holy fvcking shit! " I rushed out my office, without noticing the smirk on Gin's face. I nearly forgot about my meeting with the investors for our proposed building project in Nevada. They must probably wait for a couple of minutes now. It is that woman fault, ah no it's my fault! Argghh Christ Jesus! I shook my head and headed to convention hall of the building.

"Sorry Gentlemen, I'm a bit late. So, let's get down to business." I started trying to cover up my tardiness. They nodded and starting to focus on each document in front of their respective place.

A/N... Hey guys, thank you so much for your time... What do you think of the story? Is it bad or is it bad? Hahaha.. Anyway, feel free to comment.

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