Chapter 29

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Men give in when you're worth their time but became unreachable once they're done with you.

Gin's POV

Do you know how much pain can you get to chase a man? You do? Then please help me with it.

Sunday morning I traveled back to Manila. I texted Ashton's number and even calling it since last night but it seems like he turned off his phone. What's his motive coming here? How can I be so clueless at times like this? Maybe because I was always turned down every time I get so attached to him. His words confused me whenever he has gotten so sweet and gentle towards me then changes his mind when things get a little serious between us. That confused me a lot. I know he's jealous with every guy I'm being with, but he's denying it to death. Then you still wanna know why I'm not taking it seriously?

The thing is, I'm so scared with him right now. What if?

I put my traveling bag to the couch and let my body fall into it. I suddenly felt so tired and weary. It saddened me that of all the scenes, why the kiss part? I really am so unlucky. I get a stick of cigarette but decided to throw it away.

I texted him again..."Please hear me out first.." Still, no reply.

I wear my sexiest outfit today. Let's see what you gonna do Lorenzo. There's still a little hope in me. I won't give my resignation not until you give in to me.

I smiled at everybody as usual. I'm ready whatever you wanna throw at me Lorenzo. I'm just too stubborn to let you go without confessing to me. I'm not still getting used to not seeing Janice in the office though.

Is he there already? I tried to peep at his office only to hear footsteps from behind me.

"What is it that you want?" I gasped holding my chest. It's now or never Izygn. I spun around wearing my sweetest smile only to find out the two pairs of people gazing at me. Who's the woman? My smile faded slowly.

"Ohh.. I was just checking if you're already inside, Sir," shit! I'm stammering right now. Im not ready with this Ashton.. please...

"Just hand in your resignation to the reception. You may follow up your final payment in the HR Department. There's no need for you to be here," he said as he guided his companion inside his office. Hell!

"No. I need to know why am I getting fired, Sir." I said using my firm tone.

"When he said you're fired. You're fired. Didn't you get a simple message?" the woman with so much make on interrupted me.. I just stare down at her. I'm more beautiful than her, a hundredfold. I didn't budge with her bitchiness. Instead, I looked at Ashton firm and not holding back.

"Whatever, Ms. Montanez. Just suit yourself. Leave when you get everything you need. I already hired for your replacement." he said and slammed the door in front of my face as I was ready to follow them inside. Fuck! This is really hard. I felt too jaded that I can feel the verge of tears falling from my eyes. I continue working at my desk even if he dismissed me as his secretary. No. I'm not Izygn for nothing, Lorenzo.

I knocked on the door of his office. They've been there for over an hour now. Who knows what they're doing there. I hate the idea walking through my mind. It's definitely my place not her! Ashton gets the door open for me.

"Errr.. you might as well need a coffee? I can make one for you," i'm really holding on with my smile. He grabs my arm while his other hand closed the door of his office.

"Aren't you done? I said get your ass out of this building. I don't need you here." he pushed me away and I winced a little

"Please, Ash.. Just hear me out please?" I pleadingly asked. I continued without giving him a chance to throw words at me. "The kiss. It was nothing. I'm really sorry. You should have seen how I pushed him. I was also carried away with the thoughts of you kissing some woman too. You know, I was hurt and I still am. I love you! Madly and hopelessly.." please give in to me Ash, please.... He paused for a while..

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