Chapter 23

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Love is an endless chase. You will never know if it's already home until jealousy strikes you.. hit you deep to the core of your inner soul. Worries and circling thoughts are uncontrollable.

The plane landed in an hour and a half and I never thought that being on it can be boredom too. I gazed outside the window while letting passengers lined up to deplane. My mind still with the words Ashton leave me and I admit I was baffled after hearing it though made me chill to the core. He ain't serious, right? God! He always makes way to get into my nerves! How can I forget about him then?

"Hey, cousin!" I immediately spun my head around just to see my super great cousins. And oh boy.. they're complete! How I missed these bunch...

"Hey!" I hugged them enthusiastically. "How are you guys? I've missed all of you"

"So do we cous, so do we" as we group hug... "But it seemed like you forgot everything here.. You're a bad girl, ZZ." Pat pinched my face, it's her favorite place.

"Oh, come on Pat. It's not like I'm away for years", I just rolled my eyes

"5 months like 5 years ZZ... You can't blame us, we can't go anywhere without you. Damn the family rules."

"Aw Pat you're being a bad bitch again", Shane laughs while kissing my cheeks...

"Whatever. But we seriously missed you ZZ".. we all laugh as we group hug together. I surely missed these bunch. Family rules as Pat said is about not going on vacation abroad when one is not available. Family ties are the only rules set by our fathers, you can do whatever you want or go anywhere you want but not outside the Philippines without each other. Weird, right? It won't be a big deal though... I'm not a fan of those rules, they make it, I'll break it... that's my rule.

We stopped by at Scape Skydeck since I've missed the place. We'll be having some lamb chops and french beans and greens. Ahhh... this is life! The place never changed .. well except for some designs and paintings hanging on the wall. Still, the ambiance is astonishingly beautiful and refreshing very different from intoxicated Manila. I personally prefer an open space compared to an air-conditioned room. Anywhere you sit, you will get a good view of the outside.

"Z, let's go at Ricky's tonight. He'll be having some party!! Heard his teams' going there too..." Ralph said with his teasing eyes... I just rolled my eyes.. "Duh, Ralph.. as if"...

"Come on Z... he's a changed man now...a lot!" still the ever persistent cousin...

"Ralph, still a no... I'm not going there just because he is, as you mentioned .. a changed man.. I don't care.. at all..", I replied while busy chewing the lamb chops...

"Okay.. But can we still go?" he pleadingly asked...

"Just don't mind me.. you can all go... I'll take my very precious sleep at home.. I don't feel like having a party tonight... I'm tired." I said without looking at my cousins.. I know they all wanna go but nah... "If you want to party, let's do it on the club but not to Ricky's house." I said with final tone voice.

"Whatever, Z.." they said in chorus... I just laughed out of it. Knowing them, they'll do everything to persuade me to Ricky.. well not everything ... See I win? Hah!

Enrique "Ricky" Saavedra is one hell of an arrogant man, a mighty one, an athlete and ... my ex-boyfriend... My cousins do like him for me even my parents. Well, who wouldn't like a rich man's son, right? I once loved him... even when having sex with the stranger on that night, I've been thinking about him.. My clouded mind just can't accept the fact that I'm still in love with him after what he did. We never talked after the break-up though he's been instigating all throughout the weekend before the bar incident with Ashton. How can I be so foolish not to distinguish love from his true motive.. He only wants sex and I won't budge with his charms and all. Unluckily, I've been trapped by someone's fucking scents... Like literally the scents... Well, I'm so damn heated that night that I can't control the libido overflowing inside.. Aw.. Gracious me! I'm in deep thought when suddenly my phone ring.. Goodness, gracious! It's my love! Just thought of him calling makes me shiver.

"Hey...", i answered while pulling myself away from my crowded cousins. I have no time to be interrogated when they'll find out.

"How's your flight? Did u arrived safe? Missing you here already.." he said.. I can sense his tired voice.

"Yeah.. Already here.. All my cousins are here, we just stopped by at the restaurant.." i intentionally skip the missing part. I just left like 3 hours and he misses me huh?

"I said I miss you.. Can't I get a response to it?"

"Oh... Of course, Im missing you more Lorenzo.." and I love you..  i said grinning from ear to ear. Gosh..

"Good.. Because you know i'll fly right away there if you dont," he chuckled...

"Really, huh? As if..."

"Wanna bet?"

"Aw. Nah.. We'r cool.." i said laughing.. He's in good mood today huh..

"When will you be coming back?" he said with his husky voice. Wondering where he is..

"Sunday.. Can i get a 1 week leave?" i said using my very sweet voice, hoping he'll fall for it..

"No. Sunday it is." he said.. We argued about it but i just cant bend his decision.. Lecheng lalaki to! I turned off my phone. Bahala sya sa buhay nya! I get back to where our table is and my cousins are drooling over me. See? I sometimes hate their curiosity. I seldom talk about my relationships with them. Except Ricky.. Our clan's all over him. How much more when they'll get to find out about Ashton.

"Let's go party tonight.. Drop me off at villa Mont.. I'll just change and you guys can go ahead. Same place.. Will be there with the 3 ladies.. Still need to kiss nanay.. " what i mean is my siblings..

"Sure thing, Z." Monty is also one of our cousins, he's the youngest and our designated driver... Most of us were actually in our 20's.. Issa is the eldest but she' s married now with a business tycoon here in cebu.

Monty dropped me off at villa. I missed home. I missed this overlooking city lights. I missed the trees around and the bushes. I missed the garden which our younger sister has been busy doing the landscaping. I really love all her works. From being an interior designer to horticulturist, she's just too way amazing. Our house' situated in between the human-made lagoon and the hills. With fine sand sorrounding the gazebo. Our house is situated in the upper hills of the city and is made of narra and half of it is a glass wall.. Though tatay made sure that all is concrete in every corner of the house. We aren't rich like the elite families here in cebu but due to our uncles' connection, we also get a chance to meet some high calibered people in the society. We are the poorest from the family though. This is what i love about family, we stick together.

And im wondering why the house' so quite.. Is anyone home? Are they gone out for dinner? I held the door knob... And suddenly the living room are all filled with lights..

"Surprise!!!!" there's even a banner stating, "Welcome home, Dada.." thats when my tears fall. Oh how i loved everyone. Nanay hugged me so tight that i couldnt breath.. Mitch, keshia and liz welcome me with their biggest smile and a huge kiss and a hug.

"I cant believe you had this sweet characters in you, mi loves.." i said with teary eyes as i hugged them..

"Of course, Dada.. Even if your crazy we still miss having you here.." liz said, she's the youngest..

"We missed you, Da.. " mitch and keshia said in chorus.
Nanay didn't budge in where she is though.. She's just too emotional seeing her eldest.
"I love you nanay and i missed you," i kissed her cheeks.. She just nod while caressing my face. Isn't she the sweetest?

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