Chapter 34

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Ashton's POV

I was really frustrated with how the business went to Nevada. The warehouse operation ceases and it made a big impact and a loss to our shipping lines. Dad's been leading with the investigation of how the crooks got access to one of the shipping containers and contain mega kilos of coke intercepted at the Port of Nevada City. We are still identifying who were the accomplices from the warehouse. This is consuming my time!

I even sacrifice the weeks that i should be with my woman, I still need to pursue her. I caused her so much pain and we all knew how hard-headed she is.

This time, I intend to marry her after all the heartaches this relationship have done to both of us. That was the right thing to do in the first place if only I realized it sooner.. I already knew she's the right woman for me but I'm such a coward for taking it too long. My chest tightened from the thought and my heart keeps pounding. I missed her. I missed her daily scents. I missed her little snore. I missed everything in her... Ahh. I am missing you so much sweetheart and I am loving you more the fact that I cannot hold you made me crazy as hell. I can't believe that I don't get to kiss her and made love to her for over a month now. I silently groan when I feel like my groin tightened from the thought. I didn't know that the love I feel towards her will grow really quick that I can't stop. 

I tried calling her again but her mobile phone's still off, I can't even talk to her and Dustin couldn't track her whereabouts too so I have Rex followed her. "Just don't scare her Rex. Be discreet. Let me know everything even a tiny details i need to know. Got that?" "Yes, boss."

I contacted a delivery to send flowers to Gin.... I still remember how she giggles with that bastard Shaw. The jealousy had me there again. How can I even forget she loves flowers huh? 

From Rex: Boss, Ms. Gin been locking herself up in her room in three days.

What? I dialed Dustin's number. But he's also out of the country. And he said he'll help me out huh? Days didn't run smoothly and Rex sends me a screenshot of the message written at the back of a card. Go fuck yourself Lorenzo! - Izygn. I burst out laughing like an idiotGreat! This woman choice of words never really change. She's been out lately too and even gets drunk uncontrollably. The mob of guys was also showing interest in her. She'll keep me insane doing this.

I was looking intently to the photos Rex sent me. So she got herself tattoos huh? Fine. You can do anything you want to your body right now but rest assured that ink won't permanently stay in your skin woman...  Ugh! I should be a better man than this. I shouldn't mess up, I shouldn't be in this fucking situation. If only I didn't do any stupidest things that screwed everything. What's the use of fixing the mess here when I'm more than in a hopeless situation. God baby! What have you've done to me?

I was rubbing my temple to relieve the pain inside but I can't concentrate even more after i received a text from Rex again... Boss, I heard that her family been suspicious of her being pregnant. 

Damn it! I violently shove the documents and my laptop in my table which made my Dad rush inside my office. 

"What happened, son? You really looked so devastated."

"We need to go back to the Philippines, Dad. Fuck!.." my chest tightened that I wanted to cry. Oh Lord! Please let it be. I keep on pleading at the back of my mind. 

"I'm going to be a Dad soon," I was smiling like it's the best news I got from Rex. 

"Son? Trixie's pregnant? Why it's wonderful news! Go ahead, son. Use the other jet. I'll settle myself in a plane. Good thing, our business back to its operation now. You don't need to worry here. Everything's settled. Give my regards to Trixie. Let's plan the wedding after I get back." Dad pats my back while giving me a hug.

"I'm not so sure yet, Dad but I'm praying for that. I didn't use any protection on her and I know I hit the bullseye!" my eyes were shining bright with unspilled tears. "And no Dad, it's not Trixie. Our relationship has been over for years. This is her. My Izygn."  I proudly show my woman's face to him. You guys probably wonder where I get her photo. I'm also her stalker. I took photos of her whenever possible. 

"Oh. Is that the same woman with Trevor?" Dad asked confused. 

"Yes. And you got a wrong idea, Dad. She's not Trevor's woman. She's mine. And I'll marry her no matter what. We need to go back now. " i looked at Dad firmly. 

It is true.. You cannot buy happiness. Izygn is my happiness. My woman. The mother of my child and our future children. 

"Of course son! Of course! Go get her. I'll see you there." 

"No. I want to marry her soon, Dad. I mean today or tomorrow doesn't matter. I just need you there and the whole family in Cebu. I can't wait for another day. I'm in a rush." Dad laughs it out. My frustrations embarrass me but heck! No one's stopping me from marrying her. 

Dad called Mom to send her news about me being anxious and wanting to get married as soon as possible. I can hear my Mom laughing with joy. Why can't she be when she's the one been eager to see me in the altar. "But son, do you think she'll agree with you? And besides, I want your wedding to be the best of the best!" Mom said in another line. I slightly told Mom about Izygn but thoroughly. 

"That's what I'm going to do, Mom. Don't worry you'll get to help me out with this. My love deserves it. Maybe one-day preparation won't be bad." I turn to Dad as he scuffs his gray beard. "One-day it is." 

I called the Norweigian Cruise where Gin's father worked. I've spent and lost millions from nonsense and I didn't care less and even scared to extravagantly spend it for my woman. Anything for you, my love..

My cousins were making a big fuss over the wedding. "I'll leave everything in your power, Lorie. I'll owe you a big one." I asked for Lorie's help. She's a cousin behind big events that was a talk of the town every time celebrity and elite weddings are out.

Lorie took over the planning while Sasha, Shamaine, and Lorraine helped to coordinate. I am confident that the wedding will push through in just a day prep knowing Lorie.. she'll get what she wants. NO is non-existent to her world. They managed to get the best celebrity wedding planner and chooses Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral for our wedding ceremony and Waterfront Hotel and Casino Cebu City as a reception. I must commend my cousins' influence. 15 hours won't be possible if not for them. 

"Please, jay. I need you to be part of my wedding. Could you come to Cebu tomorrow? Please help me out with this one." Jazel Lee's been a close friend through the connections of our family in the business world. She's the famous bridal gown designer in the Philippines... "Come on, Ash. I can't get the gown in just one day. I have prior engagements too." "Name your price, Jay. I won't take no for an answer." "Oh, shit Ashton! Lorie's been a pain in the ass too. You two were really cut in the same cloth. Fine! I'll do it." "Thank you so much, Jay. You're such an angel." 'Whatever, Ashton. You'll pay me triple." "Not even a big deal," I said grinning from ear to ear. 

"Shit Dude... you're really getting hitched! Are you sure you want out from Cassanova? You know we can still reserve a room for you." Greg laughs as they were celebrating me. They're in our private room in Cassanova Den. Shit! I still remember the night Gin was there. She sure is feisty! 

"Forget it man.. I'm good. Save it your ass. And Dust.. you still owe me." i said lifting my glass up for a toast. I have never been this excited before. I have never felt being so in love before. This is much of alien feeling. The universe has bee saving the best for me. My love.. I can't wait to be with you.

After the jet landed at the airport, I escorted Dad to the car that's been parked just outside the private runway. "Go get her, son." I will. If that's the last thing to do.

I didn't get enough sleep but that doesn't stop me from flying ahead to Cebu. Rex informs me instantly when Izygn visited the OB and where to find her. Oh, God. Is she?  

I followed her through. How I wanted to embrace her. Wanting to hear every detail. I miss her so much. 

I'm finally home.

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