Last time to see your smile

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Lay look at suho and suddenly he see that suho look so tired. He tell kris about suho. Kris worried about suho so much.

Kris: Suho ya ~
Suho: ah ne Kris, why?
Kris: you already tired? You want to get some rest?
Suho: yes i just get tired a bit. I want to sleep for a while. Can i?
D.O: ofcourse you can hyung.
Xiumin: lets take a rest guys, after rest we go to beach to have funn.
Sehun: yeayyy hyung i want to go!!
Tao: me too hyung !!
Kris: Arrasso just sleep and rest first okay?!
Luhan: Baekhyun & Chanyeol two of us dont make a noise okay? Just rest well. Arrasseo?!
Chanyeol: De hyung ~

Sehun come next to suho and sleeping while hugging his beloved hyung. They sleep at rest room together for a 2hours. Suho suddenly wake up and look their member all sleep. He smile looking sehun hugging his body. Sedun suddenly wake up too.

Sehun: Hyung you already wake up?
Suho: Dey Sehunna ~ you look so cute hugging me.
Sehun: i already know it, im the cutest one right? Hahahahah.

Sehun & Suho laughing together. Others member wakeup and see suho smiling. They just feel so happy looking at suho face.

Luhan see suho standing infront of the door and he go to suhooo.

Luhan: ya suho! Are you crazy? Take this and wear a jacket. Its cold out there.
Suho: ah gumawoo luhan.

Luhan just smile to his cute leader and got a reply smile by suho.

Suho Kris Luhan Xiumin Baehyun D.O Kai Sehun Tao Lay Chen Chanyeol. They walk together to the beach. While listens to baekhyun and chanyeol silly jokes.
Kai walking while holding suho hand he want always to protect his leader.

They arrive at the beach baekhyun run to play water and drag lay to get in to the water everyone laughs because lay run and dont want to follow baekhyun because the weather is so cold. They take a photos together.

Sehun and chen using a gopro to record the funny scene and the happiest scene.

Sorry guys for late updated. Im forgot my password that why i stop update. Now i can keep update and write a new fanfic 😘

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