preparation to vacation

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[ In EXO's dorm , exo eat breakfast cook by d.o and chanyeol ]

Lay : As expected its so delicious kyungsoo ya ~ Thankyouu !

Chanyeol : Lay hyung ~ Not only D.O cook that breakfast . me too okay ?

Lay : arraseo chanyeol , Thankyou to you too my dear ~

Chanyeol : aww hyung welcome ! Wait .. where is suho hyung ? * Shout * Suho hyung ! Suho ! Suho ! where are youuu leader ~

Suho : Chanyeol its so noisy . I'm here why ? !

Chanyeol : Dont ask me why . you must know why i find youuu hyung * wink *

Suho : yaa ~ dont wink to me ! I'll fall in love with youuu hahaha .

Tao : It's not time to laught at your stupid funny omma ~ kekekeke so you already get a permission ?

Suho : Damn you son ! You all only searching me because want to know about this ?!

Baekhyun : Ofcourse hyung ..

Suho : Ahhhh am i not important to you all ? huh ?

Baekhyun : I'm just joking hyung ..

Suho : I'm joking too baekhyun ! Okay , Hmm i already got phone call from our manager . he said ...

Chen : Looking at your face seems like we can't go right ? hmm we already do the best why can't we go ? its not fair at all hyung ..

Kris : This is not my style hmmm

Sehun : This is not Yehet anymore ..

BAekhyun : Kkkaebsong ~~!!

Suho : Can you all shut up ?! did i tell you we're not going to vacation ? I already got permissions !!!!

Luhan : Suho , You're not kidding with us right ?!!!!!! Wait I'm not trusting you !

Suho : Ya !! why dont you all trust me its true babe ! we can go vacation together . but our manager will join us to take care of us .

D.O : Hyunggg ! I still cant belive . but hyung i know you're not lying us !

Sehun : YEHET !!!! Tao ya ~ Let's packing our bag together

Kai : Hyung this is unbelievable . Thankyou suho hyung you're the best in the world

Kai run toward suho and hug suho tightly ..

Suho : Kai ya ~ Don't hug me so tight its hurt !

Everyone run to suho hyung and say thankyou to him .

[ In evening suho watching television with xiumin luhan and kris ]

Xiumin : Suho ya ~ why suddenly with got permissions to go vacation . its so unbelievable . It's not like I dont like to going vacation together but its so weird .

Luhan : I think same with xiumin .

Suho : We already work hard . for the first time i ask for bring u all to vacation . our company not allow me to bring you all but then when i promise we will work hard and ..

Kris : Why you all want to know its time to get fun together with others member we should be happy right now !

Suho : It's true kris !

Luhan : Okay then , how long we will go ? 3 days ? 1 weeks ?

Suho : No ! Its one month babe . our company will cover us telling everyone that we prepare for comeback . So , we have to think for our comeback too not only holiday . Our manager will follow us too but he will always go back to seoul so i hope you all can help me take care of others member .

Kris : One month ? why so long ? Wait are u srious suho ? Okay i know u serious . i just got shock .

Xiumin : Dont worry suho we will help you take care of others members like how you take care about us .

Suho smile when hear xiumin's words . meanwhile Tao Sehun Chanyeol D.O Kai Lay Chen Baekhyun packing bag in the room .

Sehun : Chanyeol hyung what should i bring ? I mean how much stuffs should i bring .

Chanyeol : As long as its enough for one month .

Tao : What ? One month but why so long ?

Chanyeol : I don't know too . Suho hyung tell me to pack for a month i just follow what he said .

( D.O who curious why suho hyung bring them to vacation for so long make him feel bad and bad mood )

Baekhyun : Maybe he want us rest well maybe ? Its okay let's just pack our bag .

Chen : I'm so excited its was the first time we go vacation together .

D.O : Thanks to suho hyung .

Lay : Everything because of suho hyung , I can't imagine if he not with us .

D.O : You're right lay hyung ..

Sehun : He will always taking care about us ...

Tao : Omma saranghaeee !

suddenly Suho open the door ..

Suho : you all already done packing ?

Baekhyun : another bit hyung .

Suho : Okay after packing please sleep and tomorrow morning xiumin will wake up u all .

Sehun & Kai : De hyung ~~

Chanyeol : arreseooo ~~

( Please keep reading and wait for another chapters :) ) Thankyou for all support guys !

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