Practice time

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When suho wake up in the morning . He realize that he fall asleep on the sofa , and hold the blanket and ask his self " who put this blanket on me ? Did I take it before i sleep ? but this is sehun's favorite blanket .. " He so curious with that blanket but then he go upstairs to see other member already wake up or not . suddenly his phone ring in the middle he want to go upstair . so he stop for a while .


Their vacation already 3weeks , its mean they have only 1 weeks to enjoy and rest . EXO's manager ask them to prepare for comeback and prepare to appear more on variety show .

* Phone call *

Manager : Suho ya ~ have you all already preapare for comeback ?

Suho : Not yet , but i already preapare for them .

Manager : Hmm ? you must make sure all already preapare for comeback , when you all go back here . they just have two weeks to practice .

Suho : Hyung , Dont worry okay ? I will takecare of them and ask them to practice .

Manager : Okay , but suho ya ~ you have to takecare . u have to fight your desease . I'm woory about you too .

Suho : Arraseo hyung . okay hyung , i want wake them up .

Manager : De ~

suho continue his step to go up . He suddenly saw them already wake up .

Luhan : Annyeong !

Kris : Goodmorning Bro ,

Baekhyun : Hyung!

Suho : Everyone ... already wake up ?

Tao & Kai : Ofcourse hyung ,

Sehun : You are the want whose late .

Suho : But why dont you go down ? why everyone sit here .

chen : If we go down , ofcourse we will be so noisy .

Lay : we scared that you will wake up .

Chanyeol : You loook so tired hyung , that's why just stay here . so you can sleep a little bit more .

Suho : You all .......

Suho stare at them , his tears like wanna fall but he hide it .

Xiumin : wait don't tell me you want to cry .

D.O : Uljima ! [ Don,t cry ] uljima ! uljima !

Baekhyun sehun chanyeol tao : Uljima ! uljima

Suho : I feel like wanna cry but i can't , I'm so touch . You all are so kind .

Sehun : we're not kind like you . You're the one who was so kind to us .

and everyone stare at sehun . They feel so different . That was the first time sehun like that . D.O and Chen feel something wrong . " That sehun know something ? "

Chen : Hyung why dont you go to shower first ,

Suho : Arraseo .

suho want to entered his room but then he stop ..................

Suho : Everyone.......................... Thankyouu .

Each member just smile to suho .


Today we have to practice singing and dance .

D.O : did we already know our new comeback hyung ?

Suho : Yes ! you all can see this two song . here the lyrics .

suho show the members the lyrics and play minus one music to practice . When baekhyun read the lyrics of miracle in december he feel something bad

Baekhyun : Hyung ? This time we gonna do ballad song ?

Xiumin : Ballad ?

Suho : yes , First snow and miracle december . Our comeback is miracle in december . since we comeback on december so the album name like that . and this so vocal line will sing .First snow everyone will sing :) everyone please listen to the music first then we practice arraseo ?

Kris : arraseo .


When they are already hear the song . They practice so hard untill get the beat . Others member already done practicing but suho , d.o , luhan , baekhyun and chen still in the practice room .

D.O : Xiumin hyung can you cook for dinner today ? I have to practice second song .

Xiumin : I will try my best .

Chanyeol : Don't worry hyung i will help .

xiumin chanyeol and other member go out from practice room to preapare for dinner .


Baekhyun : Hyung this lyrics was so sad .

Luhan : That's true baekhyun . I feel like want to crying read this lyrics .

Suho : Me too . Well I'm not going to sing this song . just four of you okay ,

D.O : But why hyung ? You're vocal line too !

Suho : I can't my high note , not high like four of you .

Chen : But you can try right ?

Suho : no , I just want to see you all practice . Please practice now , I will find your mistake .

baekhyun : Arraseo.......

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