Letter to E X O

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" To my beloved members, E X O .. Thanks for being together as EXO/OT12. My Kris .. Before this youre exo's appa right? Now you have to be both you have to be Exo's appa and and Exo's omma. Its must be hard for you. Mianhee Kris ah.. I love you Exo's leader Kris. My Luhan and Xiumin youre the brother of exo. You guys help me alot to take care of exo. In future too, please help kris to take care of them and make exo become one like our slogan. I love you Luhan & Xiumin.. My lay. Unicorn lay?! Keke hyung wish that hyung can get your healing power.. You know why? Hyung want to heal hyung pain and take care of guys. But the reality hyung cant. Youre so kind lay.. I love you my unicorn lay. My Chen and Kyungsoo ya.. Its must be hard to keep my secret right?! But you guys did it. Gumawo. Sorry for put you guys in hard situation. D.O please feed exo a delicious food kekeke. i love both of you so much. my Chanyeol and Kai .. Chanyeol ah everytime you rap you look so handsome and cute. Hyung fall in love with you so much. Please stay being a happy virus in our groups i love you channie.. Someone who dark from me .. Even youre dark everytime you dance on stage you look so cool you make all fans keep their eyes toward you its so amazing. Hyung love you Kai! My Tao ya .. Omma is here always next to you. Omma love you so much. You have to promise that you will take care of yourself everytime you do a dangerous stand. Dont get sick i love you. My maknae sehun ah.. Cute maknae? Handsome maknae? Kekeke Now can you find others roomate? Hyung cant take care of you anymore hyung just can watch you from a far. Youre so high than me. And handsome . Im jealous with you kekeke im joking take care sehun ah thanks for make memories with hyung i love you .. Lastly baekhyun ah .. Know what? Its a first time hyung see you sad like that, hyung want you to be happy like before. Please? Hyung love you so much. You need to be a roomate with sehun okay? Baekhyun.. Thanks for take care of me hyung love you.. Guys.. As soon as you read this letter im not longer in this world. You guys need to take care and be kind to each other okay? Please hear what hyung line said. Thanks for a great memories sorry for leave you guys. I wish i can hug each one of you .. But what can i do is .. This album for you guys i write it i name it for you guys. Please make it success! I love youu guys .. Miracle in december is .. Hyung is not here anymore .. Mianhee. From : your cute leader SUHO/ Kim Joon Myeon "

Sehun Baekhyun crying the letter that suho write is so sad. Hyung line feel empty they need suho to guide them. Chanyeol cry a lot after read that letter..

D.O : suho hyung make for us this album .. We can have to do the best for this ..
Chen : youre right.
Kai : I miss suho hyung ..
Tao : me too.
Kris : Im here for you guys..
Chen : Thanks hyung ..

Kris hug each one of them for suho and he talk to himself ' suho ya.. I hug them for you .. I miss youuu '

Its the end guys! Sorry if this story is too bored for you guys. Im trying my best. Please vote for it and share it okay? Thanks for support this story.

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