A plan to go vacation

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[ In EXO's dorm ]

( Suho call Exo's manager )

Suho : Manager Hyung , I have a request ...

Manager : What ? Don't tell me you want to ask for a vacation !

Suho : Hyung , Just please only once . please this time please allow me to take them on vacation . I'm begging you . Maybe this is for the last time ..

Manager : What do you mean SUHO ? ( wondering face because of suho word " Maybe this is for the last time " )

Suho : I just want to bring them , they need a rest hyung well hyung .

Manager : I will ask our agency first , But first you all have to do the best for exo's first solo concert . can you promise to me ?

Suho : Hyung I promise we will do the best !!

( exo managers already want to stand out from the room but then suho ... )

Suho : Manager hyung !!!

Manager : what do you want more ?

Suho : Thankyou ..

( Suho said thankyou to his manager .. Exo's manager just can smile to suho )

( Kyungsoo who overheard the conversation between suho and managers wondering why suho make a request like that and why he said for the last time )

D.O : ( standing in front of mirror ) why suho hyung said for the last time ? why ? Oh wait ! why suddenly i feel sad ? Oh what's wrong with me ? Should i tell other member ? ..

( Suho enter D.O's room )

Suho : Kyungsoo ya ~ What are u doing ? who are u talking with ?

D.O : Ahh hyung .. Aniyaa ~ I just practice singing .

Suho : Oh Okay then .

[ At night , In Exo's dorm ]

Chanyeol : [ Shout ] Everyone !! Let's gathered in the living room suho hyung want to tell us something .

Suho : Ya Chanyeol ! you dont have to shout like this T_T

Chanyeol : Mianhee ( sorry ) Hyung ~ I just excited to know what you gonna tell .

( Everyone already at living room with curious face because wonder what suho gonna tell )

Suho : Everyone , You all want to go vacation?

Chen : Hyung , stupid question ...

Tao & Sehun : Ofcourse we want !

Luhan : Aigoo Suho ! Ofcourse everyone want !

Lay : I want go vacation at place that people can't see us , so there was EXO's member only ..

Baekhyun : You're right Lay Hyung !! i want like that too ! Let's go

Xiumin : But .. why you ask ? We're busy right now .we may not be able to go on vacation right ?

Suho : Okay . I'll take you all at the places that other people do not see us as an artist . But .. you all have to promise me something ..You all have to the best in our concert this saturday ! can you promise me ? If not , we can't go !

Kris : Suho Ya ~ Are u serious ?

Kai : Me promise to you hyung !!!

Baekhyun : Me too !

Luhan : Me too !

( suddenly suho's eyes turned to kyungsoo who look like dreamy )

Suho : Kyungsoo ya ~ Are you okay ? You dont like vacation ?

D.O : ( D.o look shock because suddenly suho call his name ) Ah hyung ~ I Like ! I wanna join too . I promise i will do the best ~

Sehun : Ahhh I feel so excited !!

Suho : alright guys , you all can go to bed now ! Tommorow please wake up early ! we've to practice hard .

Chen & D.O : De hyung ~~

[ Thankyou for read please vote and leave a comment , sorry for bad english . wait for next chapter ! ]

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