Best day with Suho 1

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* Conversation Kris with Doctor *

Doctor : why you want to see me ?

Kris : You know suho well right , Why don't you inform his parent abou his desease .

Doctor : Hmm actually their parents already know about this . His parents already stop him from being artist . But he don't want .

Kris : But why ..

Doctor : You have to ask his parents not me .

Kris : Okay ..Actually I want to see you because i want to ask permission .

Doctor : What permission ?

Kris : we want to bring suho go out for one whole day , I hope you will say ' Yes '

Doctor : But his condition is not 100% well ..

Kris : Please doctor , I'm beggging you .

Doctor : I can't stop you . so i will say yes but please do tke care of him well . Don't late , he need medicine for night .

Kris : Thankyou doctor !! We will care about him well . arraseo ~

Kris going out from the doctor room . He feel so happy when he get permission from the doctor . Kris call Luhan .

" Luhan , please wake up suho . I already get a permission . I will take our car at the basement first . If you all already ready call me back " - Kris said to Luhan .

" You already got a permission ? Seriously galaxy ? Thankyou so much ! Arasseo I will call you later " - Luhan replied .

" Look like I'm joking around ? Haih please trust me . Okay I'm waiting at the basement " - Kris replied .


Luhan : You all !! Kris already get permission to bring suho out .

Xiumin : Ya Lu ge !! Your voice too loud .

Luhan : Ahhhh I'm sorry .

Suddenly suho get wake up from the sleep .

Chen : Hyung , change your clothes we will go out enjoy together .

Suho : Eh ? Did doctor give the permission ?

Sehun : Yes Hyung , Hurry up get already .

Suho : ah Arasseo .

After suho already get ready they go to the basement . Luhan call kristo pick up them hurry up to hide from the fans . They all get in the car .

First row at driver sit . Kris drive the car and sit with chanyeol and xiumin . The second row was Lay , Luhan and kai . Third row was Sehun , Suho and Baekhyun . The last row was D.O , Chen and Tao .

They all singing their xoxo album in the car ..

Chen : Chanyeol ah ~ please play lucky song !

Chanyeol : Arraseo chensing machine !

Chen sing loudly , d.o and baekhyun enjoy chen sing . Luhan take a suho part . Suho look at them suho smile brightly .

Baekhyun : Chanyeol ! please change to Open arms please .

Chen : Ya baekhyun ah ~ wait untill this song end please

Chanyeol : I will change it .

Chen : You chanyeol !!

Tao : As expected Baekyeol !

Chanyeol changed the Open Arms . Baekhyun sing it . Like always the other members sing it together . When the baekhyun part begin , baekhyun lending his head to suho shoulder .. and he sing his part

[Baekhyun] Living without you
Living alone
This empty house seems so cold

And baekhyun suddenly hold suho arms .

[ Baekhyun ] Wanting to hold you
Wanting you near
How much I wanted you home .

Chen and D.O see baekhyun like that they so shocked because baekhyun never like that before . Kris looking baekhyun from the driver mirror he feel like wanna cry because he know baekhyun sing that for suho .

Suho suddenly speak up " I never see you like this baekhyun ah ~ well i feel so happy today " after suho said like that sehun and baekhyun hold suho's hand . They all smile brighthly to his lovely leader

already 2hours in the car kris still driving . Others member already sleep at the back , Only xiumin suho and kris wake up .

Kris see suho from the mirror , Suho look so calm . Suho suddenly get the sweater to put at others member body because it so cold . Xiumin hold kris hand because he know kris want to cry because see the kindness of suho .

after 3hours in the car they arrieved at their vacation place like before , that time was 10 a.m . since suho rent that vacation house for one month , they can go in the vacation house .

They sit together watching tv while waiting D.O ,chanyeol and chen cooking .


Sorry for late update , I have an examination :[

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