Its not the end right?

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After 2hours waiting for suho to wake up..

Kris : Luhan, Xiumin can you guys take others member to cafe? They need to eat something.
Luhan : Arasseo.
Xiumin : De~ i will buy you something too.
Kris : Thankyou.
Baekhyun : I dont want to follow i just stay here, i dont want to eat.

Lay go to baekhyun ..

Lay : Baekhyun ah, can you hear what hyung said? Please baekhyun. You cant be like this. You want suho to get sad?
Baekhyun : i just want to stay beside him.
Lay : Arasseo, but we go eat first okay?
Baekhyun : De...

They all go to the cafe to have something to eat.  Kris who left go to suho's bed. He hold suho's hand tightly..

Kris : Suho ya ~ you know what? Everyone is missing you right now. I dont think i cant handle this .. Please suho.. Please wake up.

Kris cry beside suho because he not ready to let suho go ..

D.O : hyung.. We buy something for you to eat. You have to eat first.
Kris : Thankyou D.O
Chen : Did suho hyung wake up?
Kris : Uh.. Not yet but i know suho will wake up. Lets wait for him okay?
Chen : i will always wait for him forever.

They keep their loyalty waiting for their beloved leader to wake up.

Sehun who sit beside suho suddenly feel that suho's hand move because he hold suho's hand.

Sehun : guys.. Suho hyung!!! He move!?
Chanyeol : are you serious?!
Sehun : yeah! I feel it.

Everyone gathered beside suho's bed.

Kai : Hyung!! I miss you..
Baekhyun : Himnaeyo hyung . You have too for us.
Kris : i know right my wife will wake up.

Everyone stare at kris without a word.

Xiumin : you think its funny?
Kris : yes ofcourse!
Sehun : hyung ..
Kris : Arasseo! Its not funny at all mianhee ..

Everyone laugh towards kris's cute action. Suho just smile to see his member happy just like that.


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