Concert day

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In EXO's Dorm - [ A day before concert day .. ]

D.O : Chanyeol Hyung ~ Help me cook something for lunch !

Chanyeol : Ahh ~ I'm so lazy .

D.O : hyung !!~~~~

Chanyeol : Arraseo d.o ya ~ * sigh *

Sudenly Baekhyun shout " Ya !! two of you can you stop fight now ?! so noisy i want to watch TV "

Tao : Hyung , you're more noisy than us !

Sehun : True ! Baekhyun hyung is the most noisy .

Baekhyun : Ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xiumin come and trying to make them silent . " Three of you if u all want fight go to your room ! dont fight right here it so noisy you know ? "

baekhyun sehun and tao suddenly become silent because of xiumin words .

Luhan kai and lay laughing at baekhyun sehun and tao .

chen who suddenly noticed that suho not in living room go to find suho at the bedroom . He see suho dreamy then he ask suho ..

Chen : Hyung , are you okay ? You look weird today . why you sit here alone ?

Suho : ah . aaaaa Chen , I'm okay I just nervous for our concert .

Chen : Hyung , Its okay we will do our best . so we can go vacation together ! Now let's lunch together .

Suho : Chen ah~ thankyouuu ! Let's go .

[ Concert day ]

Sehun : ahhh why suddenly i feel so nervous . what should i do now .

Lay & Chen : Me too ! me too . Hyung what shoud we do now .

Suho : It okay , Let's do the best today . We practice for a long time I very sure you all can do it . Please fulfill your promise to me .

Xiumin : you always there for us when we all nervous . Thankyou suho ya ~

Manager : U all get ready ! we will start about 5minutes more .

Kris : Let's do the best EXO !! vacation waiting us .

Suho : Xiumin , I'm leader ~~~ EXO's SARANGAJA !!


[ 3 hours after concert ]

Chanyeol : I think we do the best this night . Am I right Suho hyung ?

Luhan : Ofcourse we already do the best . It's great see our fans together to see us .

Suho : You're right chanyeol and Luhan we already do the best . Our fans the best !!

Sehun : Hyung ~ So thats me we can go vacation right ?

D.O : Yaaa sehun na ~

Suho : Let's wait what our gonna tell us tomorrow .

Kris : Why tomorow why not today ?!!

Suho : Kris ya ~ can u just wait bro ? First let's go back to our dorm and eat something delicious !

Chanyeol Baekhyun Chen : Let's go !!!

Sehun : Yehet !!

// Sorry for late updated please support us all the way !! :) do wait for next chapter dear //

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