Chapter 27

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POV: Jessica

It's been almost a whole week since I saw Roman's twin brother. None of the boys have been home Michael hasn't been home since the men's meeting and Roman hasn't been seen in the house at all, Liam has been coming home for two hours at most during the day and at night I know he works out with Zara.

I need answers and I wasn't going to stop till got some answers about my father and Roman is the only person who knows the answers.

Today I was going to get these answer even if that mean I had to fight Roman to get them.

It was after dinner and nobody was downstairs but the girls, Zara weren't feeling well.  As I walked to my room to grab the gun I had sneaked into the house, I was getting prepared to have a meeting with Roman.

I walked up the stairs to knock on his office door.
"Come in," he said in his deep voice.

As I enter, Roman was sitting down in his chair with his legs open and both hands behind his head wearing a black suit he had a whole bottle of Scotch out. I tried to hold myself together but he was looking really good.

"Jessica, can I help you?" He asked pouring more alcohol into his glass cup. All  I can think about was the thing I can do to him I noticed that he and Zara had a thing but then at the same time they didn't I didn't know much but they had crazy chemistry.

"Umm no I just really wanted to check up on you I haven't seen you downstairs, so I brought you something to eat," I said placing the the silver tray Infront of him. 

"Well that's nice of you, thanks," he say I noticed him hesitant to eat the food but then it was like he wasn't because he didn't waste no time eating.

I feel like being bold so I moved the plate he was eating away from him as to the walk back to him and place myself between his legs. He leans back in his chair to look at me as he stares me up and down.

He picked me up his hands under my shoulder placing me on his desk.

"So tell me something you don't think I already know," he said with an intense smile as he have one hand on my thigh and the other pushing my hair back from the left side of my face placing it behind my ear. He then use the same hand to lift my face with his thumb on my chin to look up at him.

This wasn't what I had in mind but his scent brought me closer to him as he chocks my throat and I start breathing heavily as I close my eyes.

"I know this much," I said as I grab his head with both of my hands to kiss him. The kiss was intense as we both fight for dominance. His lips were soft and his hand was now at my upper inner thigh as he rubs it up and down he then squeezed my right thigh. He then slowly move his lips down my neck to kiss it while his left hand still chocking my neck.

As I felt this intense make-out section with Jessica I meant it when I asked her to tell me something she didn't think I knew

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As I felt this intense make-out section with Jessica I meant it when I asked her to tell me something she didn't think I knew. My intuition was never wrong it saved me my whole life.

As I slowly kiss her neck, I chock her leaning in on her neck while her legs wrapped around me. I distract her I let one hand reach into my lower back to pull my gun out my holster. noticed she closed her eyes and for a second we both stop and as I look at her we both had a gun pointed at each other.

"So you know who I was all along? I'm gonna need answers?" she asked as she holds the gun at me while my other hand is still choking her neck. This time I added pressure on her neck and she then squeeze my waist with her legs wrapped around me.

"You need answers? I need answers as well and if I don't like my answers trust me I won't hesitate to shoot you," I say looking at her as she smirks.

"Tell me about Agustin, and tell me who killed him now," she yells demanding an answer from me.

I  resealed one of my hand that was on her neck as she does the same and resealed the hold she had on my waist. to take a quick second before leaning back down to sit in my chair. In a blink of an eye, she kicks my gun out of my hand as she now has the upper position of power while she holds the gun at me with one of her legs on my chest as she sits on my desk.

"Tell me what you did to Agustin. You killed my father didn't you? That's why your father sent you away."

"Right you killed him you left him to die and you stabbed and beat him up so badly that his daughter couldn't even recognize her own father that's what you did, you took away an amazing father from a young girl who needed her father later in life that's what you did," She said in an angry tone without yelling but raising her voice and violently pointing the gun at me.

"You had no right taking my father away, and I knew it was you, it all add back to you," She says as I nod my head looking her in the eyes both remorse because her father was a nice man.

"Jessica Tennant your father was a nice man but was also a thief who was stilling money from us millions by the way, I didn't have a choice I was 19,"  I say staying calm to let her know she has all the control in this situation.

"No you wasn't a teen you was a killer and a murderer that is what you are, you take away people love one's, that's what your were good at nothing more than being a killer," she say wiping her tears a way.

"You right I was that but, I'm not anymore, People
don't change we just get better at adapting to life I don't kill anyone trust me" I say still sitting.

"Jessica I promise your father before he died that I would make sure his daughter is taken care of, it was me who paid for all you college loans it wasn't your father your father had left you in a lot of debt but I clean all of that before I got sent always with the money he stolen."

" your lying to me," She says as she shakes her head wiping the tears falling from her face. She was still denial.

"I would never lie to you, I'm a men of my word trust me, your dad  will always help me out when I was having a rough day, he would just sit there and listen to me and it hurt me to do what I had to do him... you got believe that much Jessica," I say getting up as she still shaking her head in denial.

"Jessica looks at me I shot him in the head  right after my dad left the room so he wouldn't have to be in pain any longer," I say lowering the gun from her hands. I bring her in for a hug taking the gun from her hand as I throw it at the chair.

I hugged her as I comfort her wiping the tears always as she cry. The truth was I did care about Jessica I wasn't in love with her.

The only woman that had my eyes, mind, and soul was Zara and it drove me crazy that I pushed her away every time I was scared to be in love and them taking her away from me.

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