Chapter 45:

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Pov: 4th the mystery man

Let me guess you sighed when you seen I was back you thought you can get ride of me that fast no. I like getting on your never and I'm to take all credit for hurting your innocent Zara and making Your favorite Roman suffer.

Fine I thought I was going to have a talk with some intellectuals but no. My name is Daniel Newman and what can I say about myself, I'll say I'm enjoying this family fall apart while I sit back and enjoy.

"Don't hurt her," I say over the burner phone.

"I won't I just want the twins," Sofiane say over the phone. Sofiane was a piece of shite but an enemy of my enemy is a friend they say. Sofiane wanted to do sex trafficking but Roman shut that down and he tried again but Roman shut that down so he tried stealing from a powerful family who does that. I'll tell you who does that a sick motherfucker who wants a bullet in his head.

"Cosa guadagni da me che rapisco la ragazza? Sofiane ask.
( what do you gain from me kidnapping the girl)

"Don't worry what's it in it for me. I did my part I got Roman in prison for you so that should buy you time.. don't call my phone again." I say hanging up.

"hey uncle, we're on board everything is moving perfectly... his woman is kidnapped and his in prison." I say walking in my uncle office and a look of fear approached that I haven't seen in years.

"Wait you do what... you kidnapped his woman and then throw him in prison?" My uncle asked getting up from his seat.

He slap me very hostilely as I turn my head in sync with the slap.

"Do you know what you just did son.. you just woke the devil up himself," he adds on " what the fuck were you thinking," he yells throwing the papers of his desk.

"You brought death to this family, Roman Rossi is a men of many patients, a men of focus, a men of determination, he won't stop to he kill you and everyone you love, his the fucking devil, you shoot up his home with his kids and kidnap his woman." My uncle Luca yells shaking his head. He walks over to his desk and swing his hand across the desk hitting everything objects that can in contact with his hand.

"You see your all scared of him but I'm not, I'm going to do something your were to scared to do he killed my parents in cold blood, you think I'm going to let that go," I walk out his office slamming the door in anger.

POV: Zara Nizerimana

"If your going to kidnap me can I please get something to eat damm." I said tied up in an unknown location of an warehouse.

"Can I please get another break it's getting hard to breath?" I say trying my best to see pass the black bag my head was inside of.

I watched a lots of action movies and criminal minds I'm going to put myself to the test. I slowly start acting like I can't breath little by little I start taking small gasps as my breathing increased.

"I can't b-breath," I say shaking my head as I slowly try catching my breath. Even though I was in control of my breathing.

A men comes to me slowly removing the bag from my head, he was the same man that helped me clean the glass that was in my skin. I can tell he didn't want to be apart of this plan. He opens up a water bottle as I chug it down.

"Hey," the other men said walking over to us, he was average height with blonde short hair. He was the mean one. But the nice one had a brunette buzz cut, he had a honey brown skin tone with beautiful hazel eyes, he was taller then the mean one but a little slimmer.

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