02: do you still think about me too? because i do

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"excuse me, uhm- how do you pronounce these, cry-sane-them..."


the blonde immediately smiles brightly, staring at the red petals in delight, "yes! wow, that's a long name but it's pretty!"

seungmin nods, hands folded behind his back as he watches the two scan the different greens and petals. he does so with an uneasy feeling in his chest. knowing he was standing right next to jisung's ex kind of made it awkward. to his observations, minho was quiet and calm. it was so obvious that he was an alpha, his figure visibly built and tall. he honestly seemed like a nice guy.

after all, he had no real reason to hate him. jisung had made it clear that he was the one who ended things between them and that seungmin shouldn't hold any grudges against him. what makes the situation even more unsettling, was the chirpy blonde boy who was enjoying looking over the flowers.

the blonde boy, felix, hums. he is dressed in a soft cream coat down to his knees. he wears a pair of wide black pants and a white button up dress shirt. he's also stylish with a beret on top of his head, his hair style to accentuate the hat better. his smile is probably the best part of his whole get up.

"hyung, don't you think these are the ones? i mean, i'd get every flower here but i feel like these are the most fitting..." felix smiles softly as he touches a petal with the tip of his finger.

minho takes a look at the flowers arranged neatly on shelves and on the floor. he notes that it is definitely organized in here and the vibe is quiet relaxing. he just presses his lips together and nods.

"i guess."

"ugh, you don't help. uhm, excuse me- sorry to bother again- i- do these have a meaning..? or a symbol of something?" felix tilts his head at seungmin who immediately straightens his posture.

"ah yes. all types of chrysanthemums have different meanings. in this case, red chrysanthemums symbolize passion and deep affection. they are usually perfect for relationship anniversaries and valentines day, meaning..."

seungmin clears his throat, because this is just way too awkward right now. he knows what he's about to say is probably the worst thing he'll let out in a while because he knows his omega friend in the back is listening to everything. guilt quickly floods through him and he sighs, burning under the alpha's gaze.

"it's another way to say 'i love you.'"

felix's eyes widen a little, a slight pink washing over his freckled cheeks. he chuckles lightly, the sound deep and melodic. he turns and looks up to minho, a pretty smile on his face as he stares at the ravenette.

"i told you. these are the ones."

seungmin starts to feel the uncomfortableness start to seep through him. he shifts in his spot, the faint scents of both a honey custard and mint mixing in the air. they smell like each other. he feels the guilt in his own chest. the constant reminder that jisung is hiding and listening to all of this come down hurt his own self.

"are you sure? make up your mind because we won't come back here," minho deadpans, staring down at the shorter male. felix huffs and looks at the red flowers with stars in his eyes.

"i'm absolutely sure, they're beautiful!" felix turns to seungmin again, "please get me a bouquet of red cry- chre- chrysanthemums! yeah, i totally nailed that pronunciation!" felixs claps his hands. minho lets out a tiny scoff but there's an evident smile on his face.

seungmin gets back to doing his job, peeling his subtle stare away from his friend's ex. he nods with a smile and he lets the two pick the bouquet they want, before going off to arrange them according to their request.

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