21: just for you (M)

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( ๑‾̀◡‾́)

as soon as jisung is engulfed in the heat of the flower shop, an icky shudder shakes his body and he throws his bag onto the counter before also coming around it. he peeks into the storage room and notices how a light is on, "seung!" he calls, wrapping his apron around his middle, "do you still have those pills for body aches? i'm feeling a bit weird right now."

he listens as seungmin shuffles around in the back. jisung takes a look at an arrangement on the counter and coos at the beauty of it. his friend was always so talented. seungmin approaches him and the sweetness of his scent feeds into his nostrils.

"hey gorgeous," jisung winks at him and seungmin only responds with a sigh and taps his ass before rummaging through his bag to get out a bottle of medicine.

"why do you need them?" seungmin tilts his head and gives him a look, "you sore, or something?"

jisung rolls his eyes, "no," he takes the bottle in his hand gives him a thank you, "although, i kind of wish."


"sorry, seungminnie," jisung giggles and pulls seungmin close so he can press a kiss against his cheek. "i'll refrain from talking about anything that will tantalize your pure soul."

"i'm sure that'll keep me from going insane much faster, thank you very much," seungmin maneuvers himself around the counter with a broom and dustpan to tidy up the store. jisung watches him as a giggles falls from his lips.

"oh yeah? are the difficult tasks of being a florist finally getting the best of you?"

"maybe so," the taller omega sighs and sweeps the dried leaves into one spot in slow, lazy motions. "or it's probably just my life that's been going through it all."

"oh no," jisung pouts and props his elbows onto the counter, "let's talk about it over some ice cream? i have the best advice for whatever it may be," he wiggles his eyebrows and seungmin presses his lips into a thin line.

"perhaps it's maybe a little too cold for ice cream?" he tilts his head and watches as jisung lets out a huff of disapproval. "and i'm sure you'd be great at giving me all that comfort. it's just. i don't know, something i feel is not that serious. maybe i'm just tired."

"it can be tiring just standing here all day while you assemble bouquets of all sorts," jisung shrugs and toys with a roll of ribbon in his reach. "don't be too hard on yourself. it's okay to admit you're worn out. you can take a break."

seungmin lets out an exasperated groan. "maybe we should have just flown to italy. get lost in the city and pass out on some rich-hotel sheets."

jisung snaps his fingers, "that's what i'm talking about, seungminnie," he chirps and smiles proudly. "maybe we both need a vacation. do you think if i beg minho hard enough he'll book us a private jet? ooh, and i'll get us a room with the best view of the sea."

then, seungmin lets out a sigh in what sounds like something filled with sorrow. "do we have to get him to do it al for us?"

"who? minho?" jisung tilts his head and perks up slightly, "i mean, if we're being serious, we can't exactly do it all by ourselves..." he trails off and studies his friend's expression. "are you good?"

"it's just that, if minho knew i was running away to italy, it would do me no good... i'd be stressed the whole stay and i'd probably drown it all out with wine," seungmin lets out a dry laugh and jisung frowns in confusion.

"what do you mean, 'if minho knew i was running away'?" the shorter omega asks quietly and his stare dies down in thought, "..did something happen between you two?" jisung swallows and then he looks at seungmin again, expression a little sullen. "is there something you're not telling me?"

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