10: i needed you more than i thought

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*slight TW for sexual harassment

that night, it was as humid as it ever was in the club.

music ran through everyone's ears, it vibrated through all their legs and their ribs and their hearts.

and as usual, all the scents that lingered in the air unrightfully penetrated everyone's senses. it made everything dizzier. it made everything much more thrilling.

just the fact that an individual's scent was enough to send you into overdrive was already reason enough to keep you on your toes. either you'd be hunting that desire for yourself or you yourself would be getting hunted.

that is why everyone should always be careful; aware of their surroundings. they should always be ready to prepare for the worst because for what its worth, no one wants to ever experience being the hunted.

but unfortunately, for the world they live in, they'd always have to ready for the worst possible.

omegas would have to learn how to live as safely and comfortably as possible with how they are presented as the most vulnerable group of secondaries.

even though they are taught to take everything as a pre-caution, there is no guarantee that they'll always be safe.

an un-mated omega in an environment filled with dominance is equivalent to a walking piece of meat sought out by the most ferocious predators. in other words, they are easy prey.

and predators are always going to stay hunting for their prey.

when jisung arrived that night at the club with no other intentions but having fun in mind, he surely expected it all to just be a fun little outing where he'd loosen himself up for the weekend. he already had a drink in his hand by the first few minutes he'd arrived, and while he enjoyed the partying atmosphere, he did so with his boyfriend accompanying him by his side; a protective arm coiled around his waist.

minho's arm always stayed there, whether it'd be when they were walking around town together alone or where there'd be quite a crowd of people. it was like it knew its place there and minho knew the exact curve of jisung's waist against his arm.

not that jisung ever complained, though. in fact, he really liked it. he liked that minho's hold on him made him feel protected and jisung liked to be held close so it was a win-win.

and it was just the fact minho himself had said it when jisung had asked about his waist-holding habit of his, that everyone with functioning eyes should know that jisung is happily taken and disinterested. jisung laughed after that but he didn't decide to question his boyfriend's inner-alpha antics.

so, he had gotten used to minho's protectiveness and not-so-subtle possessiveness during the months spent with him. he'd also look forward to when minho would bring him close and proceed to scent him generously. he couldn't deny that his heart did a million flips when he did, the feeling of minho nosing along his neck and scent glands too good to be real.

that is why jisung always felt safe. though clearly un-marked, it's crystal clear that he already had someone in his life because of how minho took his protectiveness to the furthest extent, the exception being mating of course.

so jisung wasn't surprised when minho kept a tight grip around him when they hung around the club. tonight could've been just them, but minho had invited his friends over from work and took jisung along with him as he insisted he should meet them.

jisung was sure he was driving the home tonight. after all, minho kept asking for a refill of his drink. he drank and talked like he was the most alive person ever. jisung enjoyed watching him have his fun and he smiled his own smile of content whenever minho would laugh so cutely.

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