security breach 2

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Roxanne and Gregory are deeply disturbed by what they saw on the monitor's it appeared to be a female white rabbit.

(Mom who's that) asked a scared Gregory.

(I don't know honey but I won't let her get you. Let's get out of here.) said roxy.


After that message played they both went to the daycare to alert the daycare attendant. Only to find moon drop was online. Then roxy and Gregory turned him back into moondrop then fixed his programing so he was on their side.

(Okay now what to do about that rabbit lady). Said roxy.

(You mean vanny I'd stay away from her she's no good). Said sundrop.

(You know her sundrop.)asked roxy.

(Not much but all I know is that the other animatronics can't see her she's like a ghost.) Said sundrop.

(Then how can mom see her and the others can't?) Asked Gregory.

(Well sweetheart I got new eyes the other day so I can see everything including through the walls.) Said roxy.

But as they were speaking chica heard them from across the hall she than started to chase Gregory.

(There you are). Said chica.

(Auntie chica please it's me Gregory.) Said Gregory.

(Your parents are looking for you). Said chica.

(No need chica mom is right here ) said roxy as she tackles chica .

Both roxy and sundrop are holding her down on the floor. Then Gregory noticed that she has a chip on her back that has purple electricity on it so he pulled it out of her. Then she turns back to normal.

(Ugh what head hurts.)
Said chica.

(Chica are asked roxy.

(Yeah of course I am). said chica.

Gregory runs up and hugs her and she hugs him back. Sun drop than picks up the chip and smashes it to pieces.

(Is their anything you can tell us about what's going on here) asked roxy.

(All I know is that vanny wants Gregory for something but I don't know what.) Said chica.

(And where's Vanessa shouldn't she be helping us or I don't know arresting vanny.) Asked Gregory.

(TIME TO ROCK!) yelled Montgomery gator.

(Oh great he's under her control too) said sundrop.

Both roxy and chica try to stop him but he pushes them both aside and goes straight for Gregory then sundrop gets on his back and detracts him so the others can get the chip off him.

(Ouch that hurt almost like that time that dad kicked my leg). Said Monty.

(Uncle Monty are you normal?) Asked Gregory.

(Come on kid you know me I'm always ready to rock out.) Said Monty.

Great now let's see what these chips are about. Said roxy.


Sundrop looked into the program of the chip. He found something very disturbing the chip contains the digital mind of cearel killer William Afton.

(Who's William afton?) Asked chica.

(I did a school report on him he was the co founder of fazbear entertainment turned murderer in the 80s) said Gregory.

(So he must be behind all this stuff.) Said roxy.

(The only way to stop him is to kill him.) Said Monty.

(Alright than let's stop this guy buy first we need to free freddy). Said Gregory.

(We'll find a way.) Said sundrop.

(Else where)

Freddy is in chains and in pain.

(Well master the animatronics may be free but the boy will be acquired and soon you'll walk again). Said vanny.

Then the screen focuses to a recharge station with the remains of William Afton inside.

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