Extra Help

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2:35 in the afternoon, Sandy is currently walking down the city's streets with a box full of items that he had gathered along with some medical tools. 'It must be a crazy miracle that this monkey could even be awake right now with such a hole in his back.'  Sandy thought.  He looked down into his opened box, triple checking that he had all the necessary surgery. While Sandy was busy counting his items, MK and Mei exited out of a bread bakery, talking. "Oh hi, Sandy!" Mei exclaims,  Sandy looks up at the two, "Hi Mei, MK. What are you two doing out here? I thought you guys were sleeping." "Well, we wereeeee, but we're up now." MK said "Plus it's the afternoon" Mei added. She was holding a bag filled with different types of bread. "Whatcha got there?" Sandy asked. "Sweetbread, Sourdough, and some others. We thought Macaque would get tired of eating the same thing so we bought some others" He answered. "You heading to Pigsy's too? You could tag along with us!" "Awe, thanks, guys." 

The trio continued to walk, Sandy explained what his next set of plans was going to be for Macaque. Soon they reached the familiar small restaurant, the doors were already unlocked due to Wukong breaking them so they just enter. 

It was quiet and looked empty. They could clearly tell that they were closed for today. 'Could they be asleep?' MK thought. Mei went over to the counter and placed the bag then ran to join the others who were going upstairs. As MK walked up the stairs, muffled giggling came from his room. Confused and worried, he quietly signaled the others to stay quiet and follow him, then he processed to tiptoe to his room. When he got closer to the room he came to a realization of whose voice he was hearing. "Tang?"  Sandy and Mei who were following close behind gave each other confused looks. MK pushed open the door and saw a Pigsy in the corner of the room covering his mouth with one hand and holding his stomach with the other, facing away from Tang who was trying to keep a straight face. Mei came from behind pushing the door completely open then Sandy stood behind them still holding the box. Macaque sat upwards on the bed with a mouth full of muffin balls and his hair was tied up with a bow with a curl at the top. MK stared at him dumbfounded while the other two started laughing out loud. 'How in the world did he get like that?...'

Macaque heard the two laughing at him and frowned even more. ''I'm giving this place a 1/10'' The grumpy monkey said in his head. Sandy pushed through the two young adults and placed the box on the floor next to the bed. " Well, Mr.Macaque, please get comfortable on your stomach after you are done eating. We have to check on your back'' Sandy said trying to hold back even more of his laughter. Mei was next to enter the room, walking over to Tang who was wiping away a tear. "Mr. Tang, what did you dooo?'' Mei coughed out. ''Well, his hair was getting all in his face so I thought we could push it out of the way but it kept falling back in place." Pigsy came from the corner of the room to join in. "We decided to tie his hair up but all we had was a bow from when MK was cosplaying.'' "And the muffins?" Mei looked at them with a curious face, "Tang tried to feed him..." they look back to where Macaque was sitting. Sandy was helping the poor monkey finish all those muffin balls. Silent little muffled cries came from him as it hurt to sallow due to his back but he still managed to finish them.

 "Tang, do you think he clean enough to start having liquids again?" Tang was going to say something but before he could a loud 'boom' came downstairs. Pigsy, Tang, Mei, and MK looked at each other for a second then ran to where the noise came from leaving Sandy to ''protect'' Macaque. When they reached the bottom floor they were met with chaos. "MY SHOPPP!!" Pigsy cried out, falling to his knees. In the middle of it all stood RedSon, proud of his unnecessary action. "Noodle Boy..." He huffed out as soon as he saw MK. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Like an angry housewife, he stepped over the burnt wood and broken rocks, marching over the monkie kid.   "RedSon! What are you doing here!?" 

"Answer my question first!" He demanded

"I was doing stuff with the Monkey King, but anyways, we're busy trying to save someone!"

"Save who?"

"Macaque!" Mei burst out. "He's currently upstairs laying in bed!" RedSon pauses to look at the dragon girl, processing the words. "He's here?" The chili pepper pushed MK to the side and dashed upstairs, "MEI?!" MK exclaims. "I know, I know, but his family is worried about him as well remember?" After that she quickly left to follow RedSon, MK sighed and followed them too, leaving Tang patting Pigsy's back. "Shh..shh... we can rebuild it exactly how it was." 

All of them entered the room at the same time, startling Sandy who dropped Macaque on his stomach making him yelp out in pain. For a moment RedSon couldn't take his eyes off the monkey, he snapped out of it shortly after realizing the room is a semi-mess, which to him is an understatement. ''You're trying to nurse him HERE?'' His hair sparked up a bit. "RedSon wait-!" "I'm calling my mother, we will take him now, and let him get the proper care he needs." He said cutting MK. 

"But you don't even know what you're working with!"

"Then tell me, noodle boy, what is it?'' 

"It's a liquid cursed! He can't have any liquid until we are completely sure that the curse is at bay if not then it could merge and expand throughout, and-" MK took a deep breath, ''Possibly kill him??" RedSon looked at him with a blank expression, "Thank you for your knowledge." That was the last thing he said before disappearing into his flames. 

"Change of plans?" Mei questioned from behind. "Guess we have no choice.''


With Tang and Pigsy, they were downstairs cleaning up the rumble. Pigsy was still depressed about everything that was now broken and Tang still trying to better his mood by explaining how they could get new ones.  He was soon interrupted by a loud 'woosh' and a grunt.

"Woooaahhhh...What happened here?" Sunny D Wukong had returned from his trip, carrying MK's luggage. "My...shop...'' Pigsy muttered out nearly starting to cry again. ''Okay..'' the monkey rushed upstairs and carefully opened the door. He avoid looking at Macaque, unsure if he could handle looking at him right now. "Monkey King, your back!" MK smiled. "Hey kiddo, you feeling any better?" He nodded in response. As soon as Macaque heard his voice his ears fell and closed his eyes, trying to pretend that he was asleep. 

"How is he holding up?" Wukong asked placing down the luggage, "Oh, I think he's doing fine, hasn't said much though. Right, Sandy?"  "Mhm!" "Bad news though, Princess Iron Fan is coming to take him soon," Mei added coming to stand next to MK. "Wha- Why?!" 

"RedSon came to 'visit' and Mei told him that he was here and long story short, he was not happy with the condition of this room.'' Mk put his hands in his pockets. 'I don't blame him.' Macaque thought 'Kinda smells...' 

Suddenly there was a small gust of wind that went through the room. That small gust of wind started to turn into a big one, picking up items and throwing them around. Once the wind disappeared, a woman stood in the middle of the room holding her fan.  She looked around the room, looking for the monkey. Once spotted she lifted her fan. "Wait!" Wukong stopped her. Princess iron fan him a glare while lowering her arm. "What is it?" He hesitated for a second, "Take me-..uh uhm.. us with you, ...please?" 

"Why would I do that, Sun Wukong?"

"Because...we're the ones who found and took care of him first?" That statement alone earned him a facepalm from Mei and a low huff from Macaque. The Princess was unbothered by the sentence and rolled her eyes. "Fine..." she lifted the fan once again, this time taking everyone when she left. Expect Sandy. Poor Sandy.


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