Compass VIII [texto 30]

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The virtual conversation says a lot, but it doesn't say everything.

Discovering that was definitely one of the most revolutionary things that has ever happened to me, and now it's the most important piece of advice that I let on this book; because it changed the way I felt things, and how I comprehend beginnings. You see: it happens that falling for the idea (that you have created, don't deny it) of someone that you only know virtually, is not the smartest thing to do. It is actually very, very dumb concept. There's not even another way to describe it. 

Cause you agree with me when I say that this is just you falling for an incomplete version of them, right? And that this is very naive, like, so very much. It's obvious that you will be disappointed. Cause you're evolving, developing feelings towards a part of a person, while ignoring the fact that the whole thing will be different, whether you want it or not. So there isn't a good enough reason to let yourself do that. It's just dumb.

But for everyone's sake, that's easy to resolve. The solution is simple, and it fits just in one sentence: don't rush. That is the smartest, wisest thing you could do. Start using that in your favor, and just have the fucking patience, will ya? And I say that with love, cause I've been there, and it never worked. There will only be deceits for you in the end of that shortcut. So take the long road.

Rosa dos VentosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora