Relationship Headcanons [DCKZ]

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- is a gentleman but would still always make the first move (just for you, he doesn't care about anybody)

- will literally be too busy to talk to you because he's experimenting on tea

- he'll realize when he doesn't have time for you. he will baby you at night before you sleep, also singing u a lullaby while cuddling

- will make you taste test the tea for a whole day, literally

- he'll ask help when he wants to post pictures of you and him and when you add stickers on it he'll smile like crazy asking how you did that

- will get embarrassed if you put effects on his face, but he secretly loves it

- always cook you your fave meal <3

- brags about you to his friends, about how you're so much better than all of them


- istg, his love language is teasing you

- always hides your phone when you leave even if it was only for a second

- when eating, he will secretly put a little bit of his food in yours when you're not looking just so you could eat a lot

- always puts his hand on your shoulder or waist, or even hold hands when in public so everyone would know that you're his

- loves matching t-shirts <33 (couple things in general)

- he loves carrying your things, it makes him feel like a king with a purpose

- has a wholeass album of your ugly face sleeping

- will put socks on you in the middle of a cold night when u're sleeping <33


- wakes up earlier than u just to make u bfast in bed <3

- randomly makes u cute simple love letters

- will give u a heart shaped grape he found while harvesting

- smiles at you even if you're not looking at him (he admires u so much)

- loves taking candid pictures of you on his phone (and he's actually very good)

- you're his lock screen and home screen on every device he has, even has a picture frame of you on his office

- he's very clingy but is too shy in public so when you're both at home, he cuddles with you and almost never let go (he also follows you like a cute lil pup always asking what u're gonna do)

- he can't wait to get home from work and tell you about how annoying his co-worker is and how he wishes he could just be with you all day


- always talk about you with his siblings saying that you're the love of his life, his bedtime stories are literally all about you

- loves roadtrips with you, he'll hold your hand while driving

- always steal glances at you and when you're still not looking at him, he'll get your attention by doing/saying something stupid

- will tie ur hair for u <33 (he's vv good)

- buys u clothes he thinks would look good on you, he's actually very fashionable himself

- loves pinching ur cheeks, he thinks you're so cute and he can't get enough, he just wants to put you on his pocket

- annoys you from time to time, laughing when u trip on an uneven sidewalk or when u accidentally farted (will constantly bring it up at random times too)

- will pull you to the safer side of the sidewalk

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