Just for you [Scaramouche fluff]

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Scaramouche has been gone for a while now because of his mission in Fatui. You were getting worried. He's Scaramouche, a tough guy, but you can't help it, he's your boyfriend.

You've been together for years, you're surprised Scaramouche was serious about these kind of stuff. He was mean to others but when it comes to you, he was gentle, kind, his eyes changes.

You sighed "That's why I'm telling you, where is he?" you're at the Fatui headquarters located near you right now. They said that Scaramouche didn't really go on a mission.

"Ma'am, we don't know. All we know is that he didn't sign the papers. Last we've seen him was a few weeks ago" the staff was getting nervous, you weren't exactly nice and kind either. You were like Scaramouche, atleast just a little bit.

You figured it was hopeless to talk to them so you just stormed off and decided to find him yourself.

"Hey y/n" Childe ran up to you "Whatever you're up to, don't"

"Fuck off" you muttered, you didn't even stop for him "Leave me alone"

"That guy was new, he doesn't really know if Scara went or not" Childe argued, catching up to you "He did go on a mission"

You stopped and rubbed your forehead "Childe, I swear to God if you're lying right now, I will fucking slit your throat"

He chuckled nervously "Come on now, I know where he is"

"You do?!" Your face immediately lightened up then you hit Childe "Why didn't you tell me earlier asshat?!"

"Ow" He muttered, rubbing his shoulder "You'll see" he sounded excited but you were far too worried to even notice.

Childe led the way and you followed, hoping to see Scaramouche. Instead, Childe took you somewhere far away.

"You're fucking kidding me" you groaned loudly, annoyed that he has wasted your time. You're walking on a bridge in Jueyun Karst.

"Trust me!!" Childe was getting nervous, you sighed then followed him still.


"Childe, for the love of Tsaritsa, please" You said after he glided upwards.

"Don't say the name of Tsaritsa in vain" his brows furrowed, you glided up near him then smacked him on the shoulder.

A few walks, climbs and glides later. You arrived to a very familiar place. Qingyun Peak, at the very top of it all.

You gasped at the view "I haven't been here for a while" you frowned, missing Scaramouche. This is where you keep meeting him after all, back when you were still strangers.

You laughed slightly to yourself, forgetting that Childe was with you "I would always see him here, he says it was an escape for him"

"Yeah, he told me that" Childe rubbed the bqck of his head then coughed "SCARAMOUCHE always talk about you"

"Shut up, don't yell like that, god" You hissed at him again for ruining your moment "What the fuck are we doing here?" both your hands on your hips, waiting for him to explain.

"Because SCARAMOUCHE loves this place" he yelled again, looking everywher. Just then someone appeared from behind you "What took you so long?"

You immediately ran up to him and hugged him "Scara, where were you?"

"Sorry, the wind was strong and I kept on gliding the other way" he giggled then hugged you tightly

You closed your eyes. You missed his warmth, his scent, his voice, everything.

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