Chapter 13

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"J-Jihyo?" You couldn't believe your eyes. She wasn't real... right?

A smile formed on her face but it wasn't friendly. More like... you're–in-big-trouble-and-I'm-here-to-punish-you-for-it type of smile. "Congrats, you remembered my name."

"What are you doing here?" You asked since she was actually standing on land with legs! Your voice kind of wavered.

"Hm, I wonder why I can be here, huh?" She glared down at you. "Come on, we're going." She then grabbed your wrist and dragged you up.

"W-What?" You were confused. "Explain to me first." You demanded.

Jihyo raised an eyebrow. "Explain what? You need to explain everything to everyone else right now." She growled out. Yep, this is one of the rare times where Jihyo was beyond pissed off and angry.

"Hey!" Hoseok got up, eyes narrowing in on Jihyo. "Let go of Y/N right now. You have no right to-"

"You have no right." Jihyo glared at Hoseok. "Don't you dare come after us." She snapped and then began dragging you away. You had no time to look back at Hoseok as you tried pleading with your sister.

"Jihyo!" You said and tried to stop her by dragging your heels onto the floor. "Calm down and listen to me!" You heard her scoff and she continued on. Damn it! She was strong and her hand clamped over wrist was just like a shark's bite. Passing people, she came to a secluded part of the beach where there was an old, short boardwalk. The wood was rotting and it looked unstable.

Reaching upon the edge, she stopped. "Now explain everything!" Then she forcefully grabbed you by the shoulder and pushed you into the ocean. Hitting upon the water, your lower form began to transform into your tail. You took a minute to process that now your pants were ruined - ripped in half and your nice shirt soaked.

"Jihyo, what the hell is wrong with you?!" You yelled at her once she came into the ocean.

"Me? What's wrong with you?! You disappear for a few weeks and I find you living on the land?!" JIhyo screamed back at you.

"I wanted to live on land, okay?!" You screamed back.

There were movements in the ocean and you spotted your mother there. "Y/N." Her voice was filled with relief as she hugged you. "Where have you been? We were worried."

"Y/N was living on the land." Jihyo snapped, eyes glaring at you. "How dare you abandon us for the land!"

"Stop making it sound like that!" You yelled, now glaring at her. You swam out of your mother's grip.

"Oh? Then what was it? Huh?" Jihyo crossed her arms. "All I've been trying to do is keep you safe and this is how you repay me? Wanting to go live on land? God, you're pathetic!"

Maybe it was all the frustrations from these past years that had been built up. Or maybe you were tired of her. Either way, it was when you really snapped. "And you wonder why I hate you!" You screamed and your words didn't stop there. "You don't think I know you were trying to keep me safe? I told you before that these were my decisions and my consequences! You had always tried to make me feel safe but you won't stand up to the council when they told me I wasn't allowed to fight? You just stood there and watched me as they humiliated me! You're sure a damn hypocrite and haven't you got it through your head that maybe I hated everything here?! No, because you know what's right for everyone, don't you?!" You gritted your teeth, hands clenched into fists.

Jihyo said nothing for a moment. Her eyes glared at you and for a moment, you didn't think that your words got through to her. "Fine. Do whatever. Become an experiment for the humans! Our life was better without you anyways! It's better without a fucking selfish brat ruining everything!" Then she swam away, never once looking back.

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