🔪I'll always protect you🔪

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TW: Blood, death

Yandere Luke😃🔪

Type: angst ig- idk

Zander walked down the wide corridors of Rosemeadow highschool. It was an early Monday morning, the sun was barely up and the stars were still faintly visible up in the sky.

As Zander approached his locker, standing there was the person he least wanted to see at the start of the school day.

"Hey freak." Drew snarled, leaning his arm against Zander's locker, preventing him from opening it. The day had only just begun and this was what Zander had to put up with. Today was going to be a shit day.

"Go away, Drew." He crossed his arms, his books flat against his chest. Drew frowned, before coming closer to the pianist, a smirk spread wide across his face. "I need to get to my locker, so move your ass." Zander groaned as he pushed Drew aside, almost making him fall over, before realising that was a very bad idea.

"HEY. DON'T PUSH ME FREAK." Drew yelled before shoving Zander into the lockers behind him, creating a loud bang. Zander dropped his books to the ground out of fear as he scrambled to try and get out of Drew's cold grasp."THIS IS PAYBACK."

Zander gritted his teeth, desperately trying to set himself free. Drew always harassed him at school, every chance he got he was nudging him into the walls, talking shit about him behind his back and even infront of him, but nothing was as bad as this.

"LET ME GO!" Zander yelled, trying to kick Drew away from him, but that only made him even more mad. He then slammed his hand against the locker,.making Zander flinch at the loud bang it created.

People started to gather around the scene as time progressed. Gasps, laughs and whispers were heard from the students behind as they watched with curiosity.

"I SAID LET ME GO!!" Zander yelled again, still trying to escape. "GET OFF ME YOU BITCH!" He tried moving his legs, unexpectedly successful and kicked Drew right between the legs.

"ARGH!" Drew groaned out in pain, yet not loosening his grip on the pianist like Zander thought he would. Suddenly Zander felt a sharp stinging pain in his left cheek. He opened his eyes slightly to hear loud gasps and shocked expressions from the students all around them.

Drew slapped him across the face. He chuckled and his grip on the pianist tightened even more. "God, you're such a pathetic little boy, aren't you?"

Zander felt tears sting his eyes. Tears of pain and anger. He desperately wanted to shout back at Drew, but he couldn't. His voice wouldn't come out like he wanted it to. Instead he just let the tears roll down his cheeks. He'd had enough of Drew's crap, being harassed everyday like this wasn't fun.

Drew chuckled before his face turned into a shocked expression at the sound of a voice.


Drew and Zander both turned their heads at the same time, well, Zander tried to but it was difficult with Drew's forceful grip on him.


Drew smirked at the sight of a certain brunette walking up to them with an angry look spread all across his face.

"Oh, look at this." Drew chuckled as his smirk only grew wider at the sight of Luke. "Knight in shining armour's come to save his prince~" He teased.

Luke's pupils got smaller as he eyed Drew and what he was doing to Zander. "RELEASE HIM." He yelled, clenching his fists.

Drew grinned as he turned towards the drummer, his grip on Zander still remaining the same. "Or what? You'll beat me up?" He sniggered, "You're just as pathetic as him!"

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