01. When does things started to go wrong?

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Lian really have no idea what had happened. He was just finished the song he sang for his father's sixtieth birthday. Still with a microphone in one of his hand, he went down the stage and walk straight to Kuea's table. Once he stood in front of Kuea, he got on one knee immediately. With a smile that he rarely displayed —except when he's with Kuea— he took out a little box from the inner pocket in his tuxedo.

He opened the box and then exposed a pair of silver rings inside. He looked up at his beloved Kuea with endearing eyes.

“Nu Kuea, I feel like its time for me to take care of you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me, Nu Kuea?” 

Happiness and expectation are so evident in his voice. Kuea has always been his life. It's safe to say that Lian's world revolves around Kuea. He will do everything so he can be with Kuea one day. And finally, today is the day. The day that he hoped he could finally have Kuea, to himself.

He waited as he looked at the younger one with expectant eyes. The boy seemed off in Lian's eyes. Kuea doesn't look happy about his proposal. And before long, Kuea opens his mouth. But the word Lian wanted to hear, didn't come out. It was something else instead.

“I'm sorry, Hia. Its better if we're not. You dont love me, Hia. You don't even know the real me yet. How could you marry someone you don't love?”

Lian could see tears falling down Kuea's cheeks. He was lost for words. All he could do was silently watching his loved one crying before he turned around and leave the venue.

There's a voice in his head that keeps saying “Someone please say that this is all just a joke. Please tell me that Kuea didn't mean to say that. Kuea, Stay! Dont Leave!" But it was all in his mind, not even a single word was able to leave his mouth.

Lian was glued to the place he stood in. Seeing Kuea's back, get further and further from him. His mind went blank at the exact moment. He can't help it, it hurts. It hurts that he —the stoic Lian— cried, he was helpless.

“Lian...” He could hear his parents' voice calling for him, but he was just too stunned. He still couldn't process what was happening.

“Lian, my son?” It was another calling from his parents. Lian turned his head, and once his eyes met his parent's eyes, he couldnt contain himself. With pleading eyes that were so wet and full of confusion, sadness and disappointment, he called to his mother.

“Ma...” Lian said. The venue has been dead silent since Kuea left. Lian's weak voice could even be heard throughout the entire venue.

“Why? Why did this happen, Ma? Why does Kuea say that, Ma? Am i not good enough?” 

There were still so many questions on his mind, but he couldn't bring himself to say them. He choked. A part of him really wants an explanation. Just why? What did he do wrong to deserve this? He really needs to know, but Kuea is gone.

As if he was struck by lightning, Lian started to run off of the venue. He needs to meet Kuea and ask him why. But before he was really able to leave the venue, his best friend — Yi — stopped him.

“What are you doing, Yi? Back off! I need to go to Kuea!” Lian said as he tried to push Yi back. But Yi didn't even flinch, he raised his hand and smacked Lian on his face.

“Calm down, Lian. This isn't like you!” 

“But i have to talk to Kuea, Yi! I need to!” Lian looks like a hysterical mess now. He was so focused on running for Kuea that he didn't notice all those pitying eyes looking at him throughout the entire venue.

"Lian, Calm down first! It's your father's big day!” Lian's words got stuck in his throat as he listened to his friend. 

He's right. It's supposed to be his father's big day, it's his father's Sae Yid, and he ruined it. He finally came back to his sense. He looks back at his parents, feeling guilty. 

He composed himself and smiled as if nothing had happened, he bowed down to the people in the venue.

“I'm so sorry for the commotion I've created. Let me please continue my father's Sae Yid party.”

Lian took a glance at the MC on the stage before backing away to one of the empty seats on his parent's table and sat on it. Both his parents and Yi followed suit. 

Lian was still in a daze then, but the party still resumed. He stared blankly at the food on the table. He could hear Kon-Diao's —Yi's fiancè— sobs and Yi's words to soothe his fiancè from time to time. It makes him want to reach Kuea even more. But he needs to wait, not now. But he will meet Kuea after all of this is done.


It was only after an hour that the party was finally over. Lian went to the front door of the venue to send out each guest, as well as to show his gratitude for their attendance.

After all of the guests were gone, Lian breathed heavily, holding himself down so as not to make everyone see his broken self.

Lian's parents then came to his side. He could feel his Pa's hand patting his back. Lian's guilt surged into his chest, he turned to look at his father.

“I'm sorry, Pa, Ma. I ruined everything.” Lian said. Both his parents are smiling, looking at their pride, their only son, Lian.

“Its okay, Son. We understand.” Lian went to hug his parents then. It was a short hug before he looked at them again.

“Pa, Ma, I will go to find Kuea now so we can have a talk.” Lian saw that both his Pa and Ma nodded their heads. He smiled for a bit before dashing out of the venue, followed by his aide, Foei.


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