09. Are You Happy?

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And as he said earlier, Lian arrived home before 3 in the afternoon.

His mom went to the door and welcomed him with the warmest hug ever which makes Lian smiles.

"Welcome home, my pride." Said his mom before she let her son, Lian came into the house. There, he saw his father sitting on a couch as he went towards the man with his mom.

"Pa..." said Lian as he wai to the older man. The older turned to look at his son before putting down the newspaper he once read, shifting his focus to his only son.

"Lian, my son. Come sit here with Pa." Command him, although without any sense of authority. Lian of course would obey to it.

The family of three now shared the same couch as they smiles to one another. And Lian was grateful. He thought to himself, maybe this is whats he needed. Only his family is enough.

"Did you come with Foei?" Asked his Pa which immediately answered with a 'No' by Lian.

"I asked him to leave early today, he barely got any break these days. We have too many project lately which was good. However i cant help but feel bad, all the employees have been working so hard. I think i should give them bonus this month. What do you think, Pa?"

Lian's dad gave a series of nods as approval. The older seems to like the idea, and with a smile plastered on his face he reached the younger's shoulder and gave it a light pat.

"Go ahead with whatever you've planned, my son. You've always been thoughtful since you were a little. This father trust you very much."

Lian felt a pinch in his heart for what his father said. His parents has always been so supportive, he couldnt be more thankful. And here he was, being a worrisome son. Out of impulse he hugged the old man.

"Thank you, Pa." He said, his voice was almost cracked as he said that. He felt a hand patting his back. It was his father, assuring him.

See, i only need my family-he thought.

Before long, Lian heard his mom protesting.

"Aw? How could you two hug each other without counting this old woman in?" Said the old lady, trying to be dramatic which gained her a series of laughter from her son and husband.

Lian reached his hand onto her back and pulled her closer.

"Its a family hug now, Ma!" Said Lian. The three of them laughed.

"It feels like when youre just a child, my son. And now youre almost thirty. Time sure flies." Stated the mom. They pulled back from one another.

"How is the thing between you and Khun Nu-Kuea, son?" Asked her, which makes Lian's face slightly bleak. He heaves a sigh before answering to his mom's question.

"I honestly dont know. Ma, Pa, maybe we really arent meant to be." Said Lian with a smile, makes both of his parents sighs as well.

"My son, no matter what your decisions are, we got your back. Understand?" Assure his father, and Lian could only nodded as he again, bitterly smiles.


They went to the Keerati's manor at around 5 p.m. The sky was still slightly bright at that time.

As soon as they arrived at the manor, a couple went to them and welcomed them with a wide smile.

Lian saw his parents exchange a hug with the couple. The Keerati sure are superior but when their family met, its always this warm.

After that, the two couple went straight into the manor, almost ignoring Lian's presence which makes Lian chuckles. Only after they were inside, they finally remember Lian was also there.

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