03. What did i do wrong?

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Kuea resume his life as if nothing happened. As if all the things happened last night have nothing to do with his life. He really didnt want to pay attention to anything related to Hia Lian.

Meanwhile in his office, Lian already busied himself with papers, he have no time to be heartbroken. It was a lie if he said he didnt feel anything. His chest was as stuffy as last night. It was painful, so painful that it makes him numb to it. Thats how he managed to work with those papers now.

That is, his only way out. His only distraction from this numbing pain he wish he never felt.


After attending all of the class he have today, Kuea went to his Qilin immediately. He was about to put on his helmet when he saw Kon Diao's figure walking towards him. Kon Diao looked solemn, which Kuea didnt realize. Upon seeing his bestfriend, he smiled, it was until his friend suddenly bring up last night matter.

"Kuea, why did you do that last night?" Diao asked. Honestly, Kuea didnt want to talk about this.

"Can we not talk about this, Ai Diao?" Kuea said, annoyed. He quickly put on his helmet and get on to his Qilin.

"But.. did you know what happen? Last night, Hia—"

"Ai Diao, i dont care. I dont wanna know about this. If youre still my bestfriend, please refrain yourself from talking about this matter." Kuea said, interupting Diao, which made Diao speechless.

"I'll go now! Remember what i said Ai Diao. I'm tired, we'll talk again later, na!" Kuea said as he turned on his bike, which quickly produced a sound. After a little while, he left the place. Leaving Kon Diao who can only look at Kuea's departing back.

He was frustrated with his friend's action. He felt pity for Hia Lian. He saw with his own eyes how his fiancè's friend broke into tears. How his fiancè have to literally punch his friend in the face to bring some sense back to his friend's head.

This man, Hia Lian's response was too strong upon Kuea's rejection. How can someone ended up like that, if he didnt love you, Ai Kuea?—Diao thought.


The sky have darkened, and Lian is still  in his office. In his hand is a bunch of paper, but his mind wander somewhere else. He stare blankly at those paper,  not even a word he managed to read.

Foei has been calling his boss to no avail. Only when he heard a sound from his phone that he finally snapped back to reality. He was beaming, for a second he thought it was Kuea. But no, its not.

He have tried hundred if not thousand times to call Kuea, or sending him messages since last night. But Kuea didnt call back, not even a reply. Lian let out a sigh. He put down those papers in his hand and began to massage his temple. He started to feel pain on his head.

Sleep deprivation got him this time. After returning from Kuea's house last night, he couldnt close his eyes no matter how hard he tried. He was so overwhelmed by what happened, the disappointment and the pain didnt leave him alone.

And when the morning arrived, he have no choice other than went to work. What else he could do? Stay at home and recuperate? What kind of recuperation can happen? The loneliness intensified his pain.

When he have nothing to do, all he could do was remembering last night's event. And soon followed by thousands of question filled his brain to the brim making him breathless.

Lian looked at the watch on his wrist and noticed that its 7 p.m now. So Kuea should have been back at his family manor. He tidied his desk up, grab his coat and left his room, followed by Foei. He planned to go there to meet Kuea.

He just want a closure, want his questions to be answered, and want to solve whatever misunderstanding they have going on.


By the time Lian arrived at Keerati Family's manor, it was already around 8 p.m. In front of the door, stood an aunt that Lian familiar with. He got off the car and walk straight to the aunt and wai at her.

"Sawadee krub." Lian said, which then the aunt replied with a wai as well.

"Is Kuea home now?" Lian asked.

"Not yet, Khun Lian. He should be home around this time. Do you want to wait inside?" The aunt said.

"Sure, thank you." And the two went inside. Leaving Foei who is waiting in the car.

Keerati Family's manor occupied a big piece of land in the area with a big garden and lawn. Far from other residence. This makes it quite serene at night. Even crickets' sound could be heard sometimes.

Lian was sitting on a sofa when the aunt comes in with a cup of warm tea. He thanked the aunt for the tea which replied with a nod by the aunt before she left Lian there.

Lian took a sip of the tea and leaned back to the sofa a bit. He also closed his eyes which actually felt so heavy now. But he suddenly noticed a sound outside, an engine sound. So Lian rose from his seat and went to the window. He put aside the curtain and his eyes caught a sight of a taxi. It should be Kuea, right?—he thought?

He saw the taxi's door about to open, but suddenly when into a halt. And before long, the one inside the taxi shut the door again. Then, the taxi drove away, leaving the area. Lian clenched his fist. The pain in his chest is getting severe that it makes his head spinning.

In his mind, he speculated. It should be Kuea coming home. But when he was about to get off of the taxi, he saw his car. Kuea didnt want to meet him. So, he just left. Thats it, that must be it, right?

Lian's body was trembling. He went back to the sofa. He cover his face with both hands and went to rub his face roughly. He laughs helplessly. He dont understand. He stayed there until the pain receded a bit, which to him is quite impossible.

He have waited for another hour but Kuea didnt show up. So, he finally gave up. After saying a thing or two to the aunt, he left.

Inside the car, Foei took glances at his boss through the rear-view mirror. His boss looks so absent-minded, it worried him. He sighs, his boss is so pitiful looking, totally different from his usual self.

Meanwhile, Lian went through battle in his mind. More and more questions flodded his mind. And each question giving him intense headache as he keep thinking about it.

Why? Do you hate me that much that you choose to avoid me like this?
What did i even do wrong?

Should i stop myself from approaching you, so you dont have to waste your energy playing cat and mouse with me?

But how can i do so? I dont wanna lose you. If only you understand.

This is too much for me to handle. Dont you think so, Nu Kuea?


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