Chapter 9

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Paige's POV

I don't know why my hair acts like this. Seriously, I don't. Chloe is just being the 

great friend that she is. I feel the tugging, the hairspray going up my nose which 

is when I cough. I then realize that she has a date tonight. Oops.

Chloe's POV

I fix her hair. Easy as that. Little bit of hairspray, little bit of brushing. Her hair is 

just fine. I really need to go back home to get ready. I look at the clock and see I 

have 20 minutes and I need to get home.

"Gotta go Paige! I got a date tonight! As you already know!"

"K! Have fum"


I run all the way home. I get my makeup and outfit ready and hop into the 

shower to wash my hair. Before I jump in, I scream to my mom to stall Josh until 

I'm ready, because I am slow. I shower, blow dry my hair, and sit at my vanity. I 

look at the many colors on the palette trying to figure out what colors to wear. I 

decide on natural and mascara and nude lipstick. Then I curled my hair and put 

on floral leggings and a white flowy tank top. Then I heard a knock. He's Here!

*Hey guys! Thank you so much for 3.25k reads! I hope that 100 votes will be 

reached soon. So if you weren't going to already, hit that star! I dare you to. 😂. I 

am literally so happy since I got bad news about how I need surgery on my hip 

and I cannot dance. I am updating Trapped pretty soon. I know it isn't Dance 

Moms, but it is going to get interesting.

Love you all😘


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