Chapter 8

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Chloe's POV

As soon I hear the word yes come out of my mouth, I pinch myself to see if this was a dream.

Yup. It sure is not one. I walk up and give Josh a hug. We walk away from the stadium, with

the boys for some reason jealous and the girls giving me a dirty looks.I looked up and he is

smiling at me. This may be the best day of my life. Right ahead of me I see his car, and I

know that we are about to go to the Hyland household. I always go over here but I never

would have thought that I would be doing here is Josh's girlfriend.

We are driving to his house and I look over and he says to me, "what are you looking at, am I

just so beautiful?" I say, "sure I'll let you believe that. The rest of the ride is silent. As we arrive

at Josh's house,I feel a little bit of anticipation for what is about to come. I wonder if Kelly will

be okay with this. The car stops. I am waiting in the car thinking about what is about to

happen when Josh comes and opens up the door.he tells me, "come on let's go inside and tell

everyone what happened at the game. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. We

walk in hand-in-hand and I look straight ahead and see Kelly. She asks, "why are you two

holding hands?" I answer,"we are boyfriend and girlfriendnow."

I was unsure of how she was going to react, but she smiled and sighed. "Finally! I was having

a bet with your mother about how long it was going to take for you guys to date. I guess she

won because I said Josh will take three years to build up the courage just like his father. You

see, I met Josh's father at thirteen too and he didn't ask me out until wewere sixteen. But


Josh was looking at his mother in awe. We were both expecting the "your too young" or the

"this will change our family's friendships" speech.

I said, "They really were betting on this? Were we that obvious?"

He said, "I'm pretty sure we were."


I am sitting in my room, facing my closet. There are many pairs of clothing in front of my eyes,

but nothing is sticking out. There is something peeking out behind my dark wash jeans. There

is a blue t-shirt that says, "There's no way you woke up like that" and a pair of black leggings.

I put them on and pair them with my combat boots. I walk over to my vanity and apply brown

eyeshadow with black liner and mascara and then put on some nude lipstick and gloss. I

comb through my wavy hair and clip my bangs back. The reflection before me looks like a

different person that shows up every other day of my life.

The cell phone on the table lights up. It shows a message.

Paige💕 I got a big fashion emergency!

Me💎 what is it? I am kinda getting ready for the best night of my life.

Paige💕 my hair is frizzing up and you're the only person who knows how to fix it.

Me💎 please Paige, don't ruin my date with this problem. I don't wanna be late.

Paige💕 just get over here, pronto.

I immediately bring my bag and put my necessities for her hair and my date in it. I walk down

the stairs and run out the door. I walk down the street and walk up her driveway. I know Josh

isn't home because he has a football practice today and cannot make it until six thirty and get

ready by seven. I ring the doorbell to Kelly who points up the stairs.

"She is in her room and hasn't come out for an hour. I'm getting worried. Help her please!"

I walk up the stairs, take a right and go to the next door on the left. I open the door and see

Paige. She has hair that is as big as our friend Nia's hair in her Laquifa dance. I take a deep

breath and get to work.


Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter! Like and comment and the date will be up! I still have

not got any feedback for what day of the week I should update. Please answer so I can set up

a time.

Love you guys


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